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V meglenih dneh, ki so bili stalnica zadnjih nekaj dni, ni bilo videti prav veliko barv. Vseeno pa zato ni potrebno, da smo tudi sami otožni in sivega razpoloženja. V kratkih in sivih dneh se lahko več posvetimo drug drugemu in sami sebi. Čas lahko namenimo tudi urejanju notranjih prostorov, še posebej, če v njih preživimo veliko časa.
Tokratna ilustracija je ilustracija modela z modne revije Victoria's Secret izpred nekaj let. Pritegnile so me barve in ljubkost. Kljub temu, da je precej gola (kako pa naj bi bilo drugače, če znamka predstavlja spodnje perilo), me spominja na hladne poznojesenske in zimske večere, ko se toplo oblečemo v pletena oblačila, se udobno namestimo na kavč s skodelico toplega čaja in se pogovarjamo z našimi bližnjimi.

// Last few days have been really foggy and we could't see a lot of colours. This doesn't necessary mean, that we are melanholic. In this short and grey days we should devote to each other and to ourselfs. We should spend some time for make tidy interior, too. I think this is pretty important, especially if we spend a lot of time in it.
This illustration represents a model from Victoria's Secret few years ago. I like the colours and prettiness. Although she is pretty naked (how could it be otherwise, if the trade mark presents underwear), reminds me of the cold late autumn and winter evenings, when we put on warm knitted clothes, find some comfortable position on the couch with a cup of hot tea and talk with our loved ones.



Ne morem verjeti … Samo še 54 dni in tukaj bo 31. december in konec leta 2015. Danes je bilo tako sončno in toplo, da se mi najdaljša noč v letu sploh še ne zdi blizu. Letos je jesen zelo prijetna. Veliko je sončnih dni in tudi pretiranega mraza še ni bilo. Narava nas tokrat zelo počasi pripravlja na hladnejše dni. Barve jesenskega listja so se imele čas razkazati v vsej svoji razsežnosti. Tudi današnja objava je nekako v jesenskih barvah v videzu 60-ih let. Kadar raziskujem modo in trende preteklih časov, se vedno nekako ustavim v teh letih. Kroji so preprosti in ženstveni. Opaziti je veliko barv ali pa zgolj preproste črno-bele kombinacije. Še dobro, da se moda ponavlja.

// I can't believe … It's just 54 days to 31st of December and to the end of the year 2015. But today was really sunny and warm and it doesn't seem to me that the longest night of the year is so close. This year is autumn so pleasant. There were a lot of sunny days as well as real cold days haven't been there, yet. The nature preparing us really slowly to colder days. The colors of autumn leaves have had time to show in all dimensions. Also, today's announcement is somewhat in autumn colors and represent appearance of the 60's. When I explore fashion and trends of past times, I always stop in 60's. There were a lot of colours or only simple black and white styles. Thankfully the fashion repeats itself.