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Nekaj novega, povsem novega! Risba sicer ni nastala v enem dnevu, kot delam po navadi, saj mi vmes ni bila več všeč. Čez kar nekaj dni sem ponovno odprla skicirni blok in se lotila barvanja, da vidim, če bo vseeno kaj prišlo iz tega. Včeraj je tako nastalo to, kar je pred tabo. Zdi se mi, da je kljub vmesnim dvomom, risba zadovoljiva. Takšna oblačila v tej kombinaciji bi z veseljem nosila tudi sama. Z dodatkom enostavnih črnih čevljev s peto pa bi to kombinacijo naredili bolj elegantno.

// Something new, brand new! I usually complete a drawing in one day, but this one took longer. Before colouring with colour penciles, I didn't like it very much. After a few days I opened the sketchbook again. I said to myself, why I don't at least try, and then I started again. I ended this drawing yesterday and this is the result. I think that this illustration is pretty good, despite all my previous doubts. I would like to wear that kind of outfit. With the addition of some simple black high heels instead of the shoes in the drawing, I think, that the combination would become more elegant. 



Zgodnje jutro, zeleni čaj in razmišljanje. Verjamem, da vsi predstavljamo eno, smo skupaj eno, hkrati pa je vsak posameznik sam zase. Vsakdo izmed nas mora narediti spremembo pri sebi, da bo dobro za vse skupaj. Pot do spremembe sta za začetek ljubezen in veselje, ki ju čutimo sami in ju oddajamo ljudem, ki nas obkrožajo. Zagotovo ostali to tudi začutijo. Prvo je torej potreben premik pri sebi, sledi premik pri drugih. Ljubezen do sebe in drugih je zelo širok pojem. Ni mišljen zgolj v ozkem pomenu, v smislu ljubezni med dvema zaljubljencema ali med ožjimi družinskimi člani. Ljubezen je lahko mnogo širša. Ljubezen je, ko se ob pozdravu drugemu iskreno nasmehnemo, ljubezen je, da smo pošteni in iskreni tako do sebe kot do drugih, ljubezen je, da ravnamo v skladu z naravo, da se zavedamo, da bo to zagotovo tudi prostor življenja naših zanamcev in je pomembno, kakšnega jim prepustimo, je ljubezen do vseh živih bitij, ne samo ljudi in najbolj prisrčnih hišnih ljubljenčkov ipd. Vsakdo je tu z namenom, ki ga mora poiskati sam in ga poskusiti uresničiti. Morda ni vedno lahko in se na začetku nekajkrat zmotiš. Nič zato, ne smemo obupati. In namen zagotovo ni škodljiv ne za nas same, ne za druge, ni kapitalistično usmerjen in ni nemogoč. Krog se tako sklene, več ljubezni in veselja, ki oddajamo, več ju prejemamo. To je zanimiv zakon narave, ki vedno deluje.

// Early morning, green tea and thinking. I believe that we all (together) are one, but at the same time each of us is a unique entity. Each of us should first change him/herself so that it will be good for all other people. The path to change lays in love and hapiness, which we feel ourselfs and consequently we spread this two feelings among people around us. For sure others feel this also. So, firstly you need to change yourself, and then others will follow. Love to yourself and the love to others is not the same thing. It is not meant like love between two lovers or love between close family members. Love can be a much wider thing. Love is when we smile to others when we greet him/her, love is that we are honest and sincere to ourself and others, love is when we act in harmony with the nature, being counscious that the nature will be a place to live for our descendants and it is important in what condition we leave this place, love is also love for all living creatures, not only people and the cutest pets that we have and so on. Everyone is here with some purpose, which it has to be found and tried to be realized. The path of finding and realizing is not always easy. And you can also make mistakes at the begining. But the important thing is that you never give up. And of course our own purpose is not harmful for ourselfs, neither for others and is certainly not capitalistic oriented and also not imposible. The circle is closed. The more love and hapiness that we transmit, the more love and hapiness we get. This is an interesting law of nature which always works. 



Usnje, črna barva, enostavnost. To so trije pojmi, ki so ta čas precej popularni v modi. Za nekatere ilustracije se hitro opazi, da so izpred leta ali dveh, saj sem sedaj v obdobju, ko so mi najbolj všeč črna in bela barva ter jeans. Vseeno se mi zdi škoda izpustiti določene risbe za objavo, saj ni nič narobe z njimi. Verjamem tudi, da je tu marsikdo, ki ima rad žive in močne barve, kakršne so uporabljene na risbi.

 // Leather, black colour, simplicity. These are the three notions, which are the most popular in fashion world now. You can quickly find out, that some of the illustrations aren't the newest. In this period I like the most black and white colours and also the colour of jeans. However it seems pity to me, to skip some of them, because nothing is wrong with them. And I believe there are some of you, who like bright and strong colours, which were used on this drawing. 



Včasih pride dan, ko ne dobim ideje kaj narisati. Tako pride tudi dan, ko se posvetim bolj tehniki risanja. Menim, da znanja ni nikoli dovolj in se vedno lahko še nekoliko izpopolnim/o. Danes objavljam fotografijo skice očesa. Takšne skice so bolj procesne narave in predstavljajo korak k izboljšanju risanja. Upam, da ti je vseeno všeč.

// Sometimes there comes a day, when I don't have a right idea what to draw. So that day I learn more about drawing techniques. I think we can never have enough knowledge and we can always improve it. Today I post a photo of a sketch of the eye. This kind of sketches are the steps that lead to drawing improvements. I hope you like it anyway.  



V zraku je čutiti pomlad. Sonce sije, temperatura zraka dovoljuje manj zavijanja v oblačila, ptiči so se prebudili in spet bolj živahno prepevajo, narava nas vabi k aktivnostim na prostem. Vem, da še ni konec zime in nas bo vreme zagotovo še ohladilo, pa vendar je vse nekoliko bolj optimistično. Uživaj, kjerkoli že si!

// It feels like spring is in the air. Sun is shining, air temperature allows us less layers of clothes, birds are awake and cheeping more lively, the nature attract us to go outside and be active there. I know, I know that it is not the end of the winter. Weather will probably cool down again. However, everything is much more optimistic. Enjoy, wherever you are!



Hej! Kot si lahko prebral/a sem nova v tem blogerskem svetu. Trenutno je moja stran še v dodelavi, saj ni še povsem taka kot bi si želela. Dodala sem zapise v slovenščini, spremenila videz naslova itd. V nadaljevanju lahko pričakuješ še kakšne spremembe in te hkrati prosim za razumevanje.

// Hi! You have probably found out that I am new in this blogger world. My page isn’t complete, because I am not yet entirely satisfied with it. I recently added notes in Slovenian, my native language and changed the header of the blog. There will be some more changes soon, so I ask you to be understandable. 



Hej! To je moja prva objava na tem mestu. Skozi blog bi vam rada predstavila svoje ilustracije, risbe, stvaritve ... Nekatere bodo nosile nekoliko starejšo letnico, druge pa bodo povsem nove. 

Spodaj objavljena ni najnovejša, mislim pa, da je prava za začetek. 

// Hi! This is my first post here. I want to show you my illustrations, sketches, creations … Some of them will be from few years ago, some will be very new.

This one is not the newest, but I think it is good enough to start with.