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Resnica ni vedno tisto, kar se nam zdi na prvi pogled. Včasih je potreben odmik sam vase in premislek o vsem, kar se nam dogaja. In ko ugotovimo, da ni vse tako, kot se nam je ves čas delo, je potreben premik. Potrebno je nekaj spremeniti, da lahko zaživimo tako, kot je najbolje za nas in za vse okrog. Otresti se moramo svojih starih načinov delovanja in začeti delovati drugače. Za svoje življenje smo odgovorni sami.

// The truth is not always like it seems at first sight. Sometimes it is necessary to withdraw into ourselves and reflect about everything what happening to us. When we find out that is not everything as we have always thought, it is time to move. It is necessary to change something, that we can begin to live as it is the best for us and anyone/anything around us. We have to get rid of our old way of functioning and begin to act in different way. We have life in our own hands. 

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