Že za prejšnjo objavo sem narisala obleko
Zuhaira Murada. Občutek sem imela, da to ni njegova prva in zadnja obleka, ki
sem jo narisala. In res se je zgodilo. Narisala sem še eno. Obleka je
preprostega kroja, pa vendar zelo posebna zaradi prepleta barv. Ko je koža
rahlo porjavela od dotika sončnih žarkov pride še posebej do izraza. Vem, da
pretirano izpostavljanje soncu ni preveč zdravo, vendar sem še vedno pristaš
rahle obarvanosti. Zaradi temnejšega tena mi vse deluje lepše. Porjavelost me
vedno spomni na najlepši del leta. Topli dnevi so za nami in pred nami pa tudi
sonca ne manjka. Jaz sem zadovoljna!
// I already drew a dress by Zuhair Murad for the
previous post. I had a feeling that this dress is not his first and last which
I drew. And it really happened. I drew
one more. The dress is simple but at the same time very special because of the
interwoven colours. When skin have a little tan from touch of the sun's rays the
dress is express even more. I know that excessive exposure to the sun is not
really healthy, but I am still adherent of slight suntan. Because of the darker
skin all work more beautiful to me. Tanned skin always reminds me of the most
beautiful part of the year. Warm days are behind and up to us and even the sun
is not missing. I'm happy!
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