Tu je del leta,
ki je najbolj magičen. Med ljudmi vlada neka posebna energija. Zdi se mi, da
smo bolj strpni drug do drugega, se imamo bolj radi in si bolj radodarno
poklanjamo prijetne občutke. Edino, kar me v tem času resnično žalosti, so
polni nakupovalni centri ljudi, ki mrzlično nakupujejo še zadnje malenkosti, za
katere mislijo, da jih nujno potrebujejo.
Ali res potrebujemo vse to? Ali ni dovolj že to, da se imamo radi med
seboj, da smo si naklonjeni in prijazni drug z drugim? Mar ni dovolj že samo
čas, ki ga bomo preživeli z najbližjimi? Božič je čas, ko se lahko povezujemo,
je čas za družino in usmeritev vase, v svoj notranji svet. Ves blišč in hitenje
nam le kvari možnost umiritve in poglobitve vase. 25. december ima pomembno vlogo
tudi v povezavi z našo najbližjo zvezdo, Soncem, saj se le to začne pomikati
nazaj proti severu. Starodavne civilizacije so to pojmovale kot ponovno rojstvo
Sonca. Ljudje so bili včasih veliko bolj povezani z naravo in so to zagotovo
doživljali močneje. Današnji človek je oropan teh doživetij. Pravzaprav smo se
jih oropali sami. Če le natančneje prisluhnemo in se nekoliko poglobimo vase,
mislim, da lahko ponovno čutimo in živimo z naravo. Lep in miren božič ti
// Here is the part
of the year, which is the most magical. Among the people exist some special
energy. It seems to me that we are more tolerant to each other, we love each
other more and more generously give pleasant feelings to others. The only thing
it makes me sad are shopping centers full of people who shop with feverish haste until
the last little things, they think that they desperately need. Do we really
need all this? Is it not already enough that we love each other, that we are kind
to and friendly with each other? Is it not enough just the time that we spend
with loved ones? Christmas is a time when we can connect, it's time for our
family and our focus on inner world. All the brilliance and haste only ruin the possibility of slowdown and
deepening in ourselves. December 25th has an important role also in relation to our
nearest star, the Sun, because it just starts to move back to north. Ancient
civilizations understood that as the rebirth of the Sun. People were much more
connected to nature and felt this changes more powerful. Today's man is deprived of these
experiences. In fact, we have robbed ourselves. If we only listen more
accurately and slightly deepen in ourselves, I think we can feel and live with
nature again. I wish you a beautiful and peaceful Christmas!
Feliz Navidad desde Gran Canaria
ReplyDeleteGracias! Feliz Navidad:)