Ves blišč in
vznemirjenje po božiču in prehodu iz starega v novo leto je v večji meri za
nami. Sledi počasno pospravljanje znakov tega obdobja. Sledi pospravljanje vseh
lučk, okraskov in tudi sladkarij. Razmišljam, kako krut je pravzaprav prehod iz
veselega decembra v turobni januar. Prehod se zgodi pričakovano, pa hkrati tako
nenadno in kruto. Še včeraj smo doživljali pričakovanje in radost, danes pa že
stopoma po sivem, od dežja mokrem asfaltu. In prav zares je siv. Za nameček
čutimo še krivdo zaradi vseh stvari, ki jih nismo ali pa smo naredili lansko
leto. Iz tega vidika se mi zdi postavljanje novoletnih zaobljub smiselno,
čeprav sama tega zares nikoli nisem počela. Smiselno je, da si postavimo cilje,
ki nas bodo lažje popeljali tja do pomladi in začetka poletja. Smiselno je, da
se vprašamo, kaj si resnično želimo storiti. Smiselno je, da izstopimo iz tako
priljubljene cone udobja in si postavimo izzive za novo leto oziroma
prihajajoče obdobje. Dane so nam možnosti, da postanemo pogumnejši, iskrenejši,
odločnejši, manj obtoževalni, bolj sprejemajoči, bolj pozitivni … Vsem vam
želim, da sledite svojim željam in ciljem in da se zavedate, da je zgolj srce
tisto, ki nam kaže pravo pot. Vse dobro v letu 2016!
// Throughout the glamour
and excitement after Christmas and the transition from the old to the new year
is largely behind us. Below is a slow cleaning all of the signs of that period.
Followed by cleaning all the lights, decorations and candy. I'm thinking about
how cruel it is actually a transition from merry December to gloomy January.
The transition is expected to happen, but at the same time so sudden and
brutal. Yesterday we experienced an expectation and joy, but today we are
marching on the gray asphalt wet because of the rain. And indeed it is gray. On
top we still feel guilty about all the things that you did not or we did last
year. From this perspective, it seems to me reasonable to setting New Year's
resolutions, although I haven't really ever done this. It makes sense to set
goals that will easily take us up to the
spring and early summer. It is reasonable to ask ourselves what we really want
to do. It is worthwhile to stand out as favorites comfort zone and put ourselves
in the challenges for the new year and the upcoming period. We get the
possibilities to become more courageous, sincere, assertive, less accusatory,
more welcoming, and more positive ... I want all of you to follow your desires
and goals and to realize that only the heart is the one who shows us the right
path. All good in 2016!
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