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Veliko deklet ali žensk si želi obleči dolgo belo obleko enkrat v življenju. Nekaterim uspe, nekatere si jo oblečejo večkrat, druge pa nikoli. Kakorkoli, pomlad me spominja tudi na čas porok, saj se v tem obdobju število le-teh poveča. Narisana bela obleka je elegantna, dolga in vseeno ravno prav seksi. Te tri besede dobro opišejo tudi obleko, kakršno bi si izbrala sama, če bi bila pred to odločitvijo. Sprva sem mislila, da bom celotno risbo senčila zgolj s svinčniki. Začela sem z obleko in se med tem odločila, da bom ostalo pobarvala z barvicami. Dodala bi še to, da obleka žal ni moja zamisel. Z ilustracijo sem zelo zadovoljna. Upam, da bo navdihnila tudi koga izmed vas za to življenjsko odločitev.  

// A lot of girls or women have a wish to dress that white and long dress once in a lifetime. For some of them the wish comes true, some wears it more then once, others never. However, spring reminds me of the wedding time, because at that time the number of weddings increases. The white dress which I draw is elegant, long and it is just right sexy. Those three words very well describe the dress which I would chose, if I would be at that point in my life. At first I thought to just shade all the drawing with only pencils. I started with the dress and during that time I decided to colour the rest with the coloured pencils. I would like to say that unfortunately this dress is not my own idea. I am satisfied with how the illustration came out. I hope that it will inspire some of you for this life decision.