Danes bi rada z vami delila še eno risbo, ki
je nastala pred kratkim. Ta je druga v seriji zemljevidov za iskanje zaklada v
otroški igralnici. Na prvi so vključena igrala precej očitna. Na tem zemljevidu
pa je vse skupaj bolj skrito in mora otrok oziroma skupina otrok bolj
razmisliti, kaj predstavlja posamezna enota zemljevida. Kot lahko vidiš, je
tematika tega zemljevida bolj v smeri princes in princev. Veselim se že, da bom
videla otroke, ki uporabljajo ta zemljevid. Zagotovo se bo v praksi pokazalo,
kaj jim je razumljivo in kaj nekoliko manj. Razlike bodo tudi glede na starost
in ostale trenutne dejavnike.
Ob pisanju zgornjih vrstic pa sem pomislila
tudi na splošno iskanje nečesa, kar ljudje pogosto delamo. Pogosto iščemo nekaj,
čeprav ne vemo vedno točno kaj. Včasih
pridemo do iskanega ˝zaklada˝ po lepi in enostavni poti, včasih pa potrebujemo
kar nekaj časa, kar nekaj namigov in predvsem volje, da pridemo do njega.
Menim, da takšni ˝zakladi˝ niso nikoli v materialni obliki. Pravi ˝zakladi˝ so
naša sreča, biti ljubljen in ljubiti, (se) sprejemati, (se) spoštovati,
blagostanje (well-being), zdravje, zadovoljstvo in podobno. Upam, da vsak od
vas čim bolj uspešno išče takšne zaklade in ne hlepi zgolj po materialni
// Today I would like to share with you one more
drawing, which rose not that long ago. This one is the second one in the series
of the treasure hunting maps for a game in a children playroom. In the first one the playsets were pretty obvious. On this one everything is somehow more
hidden so the child or group of children have to think a little more to figure
out what each of the units represents. As you can see, the base theme of that
map is something about a princesses and princes. I am looking forward to see
children who will actually use this map. Certainly, it will be shown in
practice what they understand and where they may have some difficulties.
Differences will probably depend on age and other factors.
When I was writing the above lines I thought
that we all are often looking for something. Often we are searching for
something, but we don't actually know what it is exactly. Sometimes we find the ˝treasure˝ we have been
looking for with a nice and easy way but sometimes we need a lot of time, a lot
of hints and above all a lot of will to come to it. I think that such ˝treasures˝ are never in a material form. Real ˝treasures˝ are our happiness, love and being
loved, self acceptance and accepting others, self respect and respecting others,
well-being, health, satisfaction and alike. I hope that every one of you is successfully searching for that kind of treasures and not material
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