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To risbo sem narisala pred več kot dvema letoma. Spomnim se, da sem bila precej ponosna na njo, saj je kar dodelana. Pravzaprav se mi tudi danes ne zdi slaba. Prevladuje pa barva v kateri je mojih oblačil zelo malo. Zanimivo je, kako hitro se lahko spreminja posameznikov stil oblačenja in kaj vse vpliva na to. Velik vpliv ima seveda spreminjajoča se moda in posledično, kaj lahko dobiš v trgovinah. Vse to pa v zadnjem času oblikujejo slavni ljudje in modni blogerji. Tudi sama jih spremljam kar nekaj. Prav to so osebe, ki imajo v ozadju modne industrije pomembno vlogo. Le ti odločajo, kaj se bo nosilo in kaj ne. Ni čudno, da smo vsi tako zelo uniformirani, čeprav mislimo, da sploh nismo.

// I did this drawing more than two years ago. I remember, that I was pretty proud of it, because it was rather good. Even today I still like it. The main colour used in the illustration is the one that I don't wear often. It is interesting how fast a personal style can change and what kind of factors have an impact on it. The biggest impact is definitely the fast changing fashion world that influences what kind of clothes you can get in stores. Fashion is formed by celebrities and fashion bloggers. I follow a few of them. Actually these people are the main shapers of fashion in the background of fashion industry. They determine what we will wear and what not. It's no wonder that we are so uniformed, although we think, we are not. 

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