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Tudi današnja slika je v sivinah, narisana zgolj s svinčniki. Lahko bi jo asociirali tudi z današnjim vremenom, ki je bilo prav podobno. Nebo je bilo večinoma sivo in manjkale niso niti dežne kaplje. Risbe, ki so nastale nekaj časa nazaj navadno nekoliko analiziram. To se mi sploh ne zdi slaba ideja, saj se tako lahko samo izboljšam. Na risbi sem se predvsem posvetila senčenju obraza. Če bi jo risala še enkrat, bi se zagotovo malo več časa zadržala pri risanju las. Kot celota pa vseeno deluje dobro. Mogoče kdo prepozna osebo na sliki?

// Today's illustration is only in shades of grey. Only pencils were used. We can asociate it with today's weather, because it was pretty much the same. The sky was almost entire in grey and there were also some rain drops. One thing I often do is that I analize my drawings, which were made some time ago. I find out that by doing so, I can become a better drawer. I spend a lot of time on face's shading. If I draw this once again, I will certainly dedicate a little more time on the hair part of the illustration. As a whole, it seems to me that it's well made. Maybe is there someone, who recognize this girl?

                          (Skener žal popači sivine. //Scanner distorts shades.)

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