Sem oseba, ki ljubi poletje, sonce in dolge
dni. Ljubim vonj sveže pokošene trave (še posebej tiste prvič), zvoke ptic in
žuželk, ki neutrudljivo izvajajo svoj vrhunski koncert. Vesela sem, da je
pomlad, saj to pomeni, da se bližamo najlepšemu delu leta. Pravzaprav smo že
skoraj tu, saj mi je tudi ta, uvodni del močno pri srcu. Rada imam pomladansko
sonce, zavedam pa se, da mora biti na vsake toliko časa tudi deževno vreme,
tako kot danes. Včasih se mi zdi, da dež izvabi iz nas posebne občutke. Sama
sem ob takem vremenu pogosto polna navdihov in idej, kaj vse bi lahko naredila.
In ne ostane vedno samo pri idejah. Ko sem doma, mi daje dež občutek
umirjenosti in sprostitve. In ker nas dež pogosto asociira na sivo barvo, sem
za današnjo objavo izbrala risbo, ki je ustvarjena samo s svinčniki. Uporabila
sem svinčnike različne trdote – različni H-ji, B-ji in HB. Ugotavljam, da se
rada posvetim ustvarjanju oblik samo s svinčniki. Seveda pa se še učim, kar
pomeni, da se bodo tudi moje risbe še izboljšale. Upam!
// I am one of the people, who loves summer, the
hot sun and the long summer days. I love the smell of the freshly cut grass
(especialy when it is mowed for the first time in a season), sound of birds and
insects, which tirelessly perform their topmost concert. I am happy, that
spring is here, because that means, that the most beautiful time of the year is
coming. We are already here, actually, because I love this "introductive"
time as well. I love the spring's sun,
but at the same time I am aware that there will be some rainy days, too, like
the one today. Sometimes I think, that the rainy weather elicitis some special feelings
from us. During that kind of weather I have a lot of inspiration and ideas. It
doesn't always stay with only the idea. When I am at home, rain gives me a
feeling of calmness and relaxation. And because most of us associate rain with
the grey colour, I used only pencils for today's sketch. I used pencils in
different hardness – different H's, B's and HB. I actually found out, that I
like to draw and create various forms with only pencils. I am still learning,
which means that my drawing's skills should be slowly improving each time. So I
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