Danes je
mednarodni dan žena.
"Je dan praznovanja ekonomske, politične in socialne enakopravnosti in dosežkov žensk, praznujejo pa ga predvsem v bivših komunističnih in socialističnih državah."
(Vir: http://sl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dan_%C5%BEena)
Upam, da smo vse ženske sveta imele čudovit dan. In naj tako ostane tudi naslednje dni oziroma celo leto. Sama sem preživela dan umirjeno in lepo. Dopoldansko druženje pri prijateljici, dobro kosilo in delovno popoldne. Tudi vreme je bilo sončno z okusom pomladi. Nekatera sadna drevesa se že razkazujejo v zgodnjepomladanski lepoti z belimi in nežno roza cvetki. Spodaj objavljeno ilustracijo sem izbrala prav z mislim na pomlad in cvetenje, saj me obleka spominja na odpirajoči se cvet.
"Je dan praznovanja ekonomske, politične in socialne enakopravnosti in dosežkov žensk, praznujejo pa ga predvsem v bivših komunističnih in socialističnih državah."
(Vir: http://sl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dan_%C5%BEena)
Upam, da smo vse ženske sveta imele čudovit dan. In naj tako ostane tudi naslednje dni oziroma celo leto. Sama sem preživela dan umirjeno in lepo. Dopoldansko druženje pri prijateljici, dobro kosilo in delovno popoldne. Tudi vreme je bilo sončno z okusom pomladi. Nekatera sadna drevesa se že razkazujejo v zgodnjepomladanski lepoti z belimi in nežno roza cvetki. Spodaj objavljeno ilustracijo sem izbrala prav z mislim na pomlad in cvetenje, saj me obleka spominja na odpirajoči se cvet.
// Today is the
international women's day. "In
different regions the focus of the celebrations ranges from general celebration
of respect, appreciation, and love towards women to a celebration for women's
economic, political, and social achievements. Started as a Socialist political
event, the holiday blended the culture of many countries, primarily in Europe,
especially those in the Soviet Bloc."
(Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Women%27s_Day)
I hope, that all women aroud the World have a beautiful day. And I hope that it will last the entire year. I had a peaceful and beautiful day. In the morning I was at my friend's house, then I had a good lunch and then the working afternoon followed. The weather was sunny with a tiny taste of spring. Some fruit trees are already exhibiting in their early-spring's beauty with white and softly pink little blossoms. I selected today's illustration, with thoughts on the spring time and blossoming, because this dress reminds me of an opening flower.
(Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Women%27s_Day)
I hope, that all women aroud the World have a beautiful day. And I hope that it will last the entire year. I had a peaceful and beautiful day. In the morning I was at my friend's house, then I had a good lunch and then the working afternoon followed. The weather was sunny with a tiny taste of spring. Some fruit trees are already exhibiting in their early-spring's beauty with white and softly pink little blossoms. I selected today's illustration, with thoughts on the spring time and blossoming, because this dress reminds me of an opening flower.
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