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Danes sem se udeležila teka, ki poveže dva čudovita dela slovenske obale – soline. Traso sem pretekla drugič, prvič leta 2013. Tekla sem veliko bolje in dosegla 10. mesto med ženskami. Priznam, da sem ponosna na letošnji rezultat. V njem se odraža kar nekaj pretečenih kilometrov in drugih vadb. Tek in vadba mi zagotovo dajeta tisto nekaj, kar me dela bolj vztrajno, bolj pozitivno in bolj srečno. Tudi vreme mi je bilo pisano na kožo, saj je bilo sončno s prijetnimi pomladanskimi temperaturami.
Risba, ki jo objavljam danes sicer nima neke velike povezave s tekom, je pa zelo sveža, saj je nastala pred dvema dnevoma. Prikazuje načrt za igro iskanja zaklada v eni izmed otroških igralnic. Načrtu je potrebno vrisati še pot, po kateri so bo iskalo zaklad. Ilustracijo objavljam, ker je nekaj čisto nasprotnega, kar rišem navadno in mi je bil svojevrsten izziv. Ugotovila sem, da moram pogosteje narisati še kaj drugega, saj tako dobim več motivacije za risanje. Zanimivo se je bilo posvetiti tudi vsem detajlom, senčenju ipd.

// Today I was running in a race, which links two beautiful spots of Slovenian seaside – saltpans. I ran this route for the second time, firstly in 2013. This time I was running much faster and I scored a 10th place in  women category. I am pretty proud of that result. It reflects my dedication to run and working out a lot, so this is the result.  Runing and working out gives me something, that makes me more enduring, more positive and happier. The weather was perfect, It was sunny and the temperatures were plesently spring alike.

Today's illustration have nothing to do with running, actually. But it is brand new, because I draw it two days ago. It represents a map for  a treasure hunting game in one of the children's playrooms. The map doesn't containg the path for searching, yet. I posted this drawing beacause it is something totally different from that what I usually draw. It was a unique challenge for me. I found out that I have to draw more often something different, because that gives me a whole new motivation for drawing. It was interesting to draw all of the details, the shading etc. 

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