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Poletje prinaša s sabo visoke temperature. Večina si nas takrat želi obleči v nekaj lahkotnega in enostavnega. Prav to predstavlja moja današnja ilustracija. Enostavnost v materialu, kroju in barvah. Poletje se mi zdi najbolj primeren letni čas za oblačenje v belo. Belo enostavno dolgo bluzo sem popestrila z enostavnimi sandali, ki se jih zaveže na sredini meč. Enostavno, pa kljub temu deluje ravno prav elegantno za vsakdanje opravke ali pa večerne izhode. Obožujem poletje!

// The coming summer brings higher and higher temperatures . A lot of us want to wear something light and simple during this time. And this is excately what today's illustration represents. Simplicity in material, cut and colours. It seems to me that the summer is the most appropriate time for wearing white. I variegated a simple long white blouse with simple black sandals which lace it up in the middle of the calves. Simple, but still enough elegant for the ordinary errands or evening way outs. I adore summer!



V današnjih časih smo ljudje pogosto zaposleni z različnimi obveznostmi. Nekaj si jih nakopljemo sami, nekaterim pa se težje izognemo. Navadno tiste, ki si jih izberemo sami, lažje opravimo, saj smo si jih najbrž zadali z nekim ciljem, da preko njih nekaj dosežemo. Z drugimi obveznostmi pa imamo včasih nekaj več težav. Kljub vsemu je pomembno, da si, ne glede na število opravkov, znamo vzeti tudi čas zase. Čas, v katerem lahko počnemo stvari, ki nas veselijo in čas, v katerem smo lahko sami s seboj, premislimo o sebi in se tudi sprostimo. Sama v ta čas vštevam druženje s prijatelji, tek, kolesarjenje, telovadbo, pogovore z bližnjimi, ustvarjanje, sprehode, hojo v hribe, branje dobre knjige in podobno. Zdi se mi pomembno, da se temu ne odrečemo kljub vsem opravkom, ki jih imamo. Včasih je težko in se nam ne da, ker se obdamo z oblačkom skrbi in razmišljanj,  ampak po tem, ko naredimo nekaj zase, se počutimo dobro, napolnjeni z novo energijo in ostale obveznosti opravimo lažje.

// Nowadays people are often busy with various obligations. Some of them we incur ourselves, some are harder to avoid. Usually, those which we chose alone, are easier to do, because we have probably set them ourselves with an aim to achieve something through them. With the other obligations we sometimes have more problems. Nevertheless, it is important that no matter how much things we have to do, we should also take time for ourselves. The time in which we can do things that gives us pleasure and time in which we can be with ourselves, think about ourselves and also relax. In that time I include associating with frends, running, cycling, working out, talks with loved ones, being creative, going on walk, hiking, reading good books and other things like that. It seems important to me, that we don't renounce all this, because of all preoccupations that we have. Sometimes it seems difficult to us and we are a little bit lazy, because we encircle us with a cloud of concerns and reflections, but once we do something for ourselves, we feel really good, filled with new energy and the other obligations are easily done.



Današnja objava je z ilustracijo, ki je primerna za nekoliko hladnejše dni. Prihaja nekaj deževnih dni z ohladitvijo, zato se mi je zdela dobra izbira. Res je tudi, da nisem imela časa, da bi narisala nekaj novega. Zadnje čase se mi dogaja veliko sprememb in novosti in v takšnem času pogosto upade tudi moja ustvarjalnost. Misli imam napolnjene z vsemi novimi informacijami in možnimi razpleti. Včasih je kar težko imeti situacijo pod kontrolo in biti ves čas dobro razpoložen, poleg pa še razvijati svojo ustvarjalnost. Vseeno pa verjamem, da ko se stvari ustalijo, se vrne tudi več pozitivnosti in seveda tudi ustvarjalnih misli. Do takrat pa boš lahko spremljal mešanico novih in starih ilustracij.

// Today's post is with an illustration, wich is more suitable for slightly colder days. From today on,  there are a few colder rainy days coming, so it seemed like a good choice. It is also true that I did not have enough time to draw something new. There are a lot of things taking place in my life, recently. During this time I have a decline in my creativity, too. My thoughts are full with all the new information and the possible outcomes. Sometimes it is hard to have the situation under control and to be in a good humour and in addition develop my creativity. However, I believe that when things will settle down, more positiveness will return  and of course more creative thoughts. Until then, you can watch the mix of old and new illustrations.



Enostavna kombinacija za kratke poletne noči …

// Simple style for short summer nights …



Kaj je lepšega, kot biti zunaj v naravi, stran od betona in toplega asfalta? Še posebej mi je všeč zunaj v naravi, ko postane toplo, tako kot je zadnje dni. Veš, da še ni pravo poletje, pa vendar  ga že čutiš. Dnevi so dolgi, večeri pa primerno topli za aktivnosti na prostem, kot so tek, kolesarjenje, igre z žogo ipd. Ker že govorim o naravi, pa naj bo temu primerna tudi današnja risba, v znamenju zelene namreč. Uživaj v toplih dneh in dolgih večerih!

// Is there anything more beautiful , than being outside in the nature, far away from concrete and asphalt? I especially love to be outside in the nature, when it becomes warm, like these days. You know that the true summer is still coming, but it already feels like it. Days are long and the evening warm enough for outdoor activities, such as jogging, cycling, games with a ball, etc. And because I am already talking about the nature, also today's illustration should be in that spirit, green marked. Enjoy the warm days and the long evenings!



Ponovno nekaj čisto črnega. Ilustracija s kratkim topom in oprijetim krilom z razporkom. Kombinacija je precej poletna, vendar bolj primerna za večerne izhode ali posebne priložnosti. Všeč mi je, ker ni zgolj mala črna oblekica, ampak ima nekaj več. Prav tako pa se mi zdi kratek top še najbolj posrečen v kombinaciji z visokim pasom krila ali hlač. Vsekakor se mi zdi kombinacija, ki bi jo bilo vredno preizkusiti.

// And again something quite black. An illustration with a crop top and close-fitting skirt with slit. The combination is quite suitable for summer, but even more for evening outs or some special occasions. I like it because it is not only a little black dress, but it has something more. It also seems to me, that the crop top is most felicitous in combination with high waisted skirt or trousers. In any case, it seems to me, that this combination is something which would be worth trying.


#27 LIPS

Ustnice so zelo pomemben del telesa oziroma obraza. Preko njih izdajamo več kot bi hoteli. Rahel trzljaj ustnic lahko pomeni laž, droben posmeh, nejevero, strah … S pomočjo ustnic oblikujemo glasove, preko njih besede. Z ustnicami pletemo mrežo poljubov po drugi osebi. Z njihovo pomočjo oblikujemo krepke poljube ali pa povsem nežne in lahke kot sapica vetra. Z intenziteto zopet prenašamo neko sporočilo. Ustnice lahko naličimo, da še poudarimo njihovo moč. Ustnice so tako različne, kot smo različni ljudje. Niti dve osebi nimata enakih. Tudi risanje čim bolj realističnih ustnic ni preprosto opravilo. Vanje lahko vložiš veliko časa in truda. Pa vendar, ko jih pogledaš, ko misliš, da si že končal, bi jih lahko še popravljal v neskončnost.  

// Lips are an important part of the head and face. With them we show more than we want. Slight twitch of the lips can mean a lie, tiny derision, disbelieve, fear … With lips we are creating phonemes and with them words. With lips we are knitting a net of kisses on the other person. With the help of them we are creating vigorous kisses or entirely tender and soft kisses like breeze. With changing the intensity we are transmitting different messages. We can embellish them with a make up, to stress their power. Lips are as different as we are. Not even two people have the same lips.  To draw some realistic lips is not an easy task. You can put in a lot of time and effort. But yet, after a final gaze, when you think that you have finished it, you can still improve it to infinity. 



Na vrsti je maj, zagotovo moj najljubši mesec. Drevesa so ozelenela, nekatera tudi še cvetijo.  Temperature se počasi višajo in vse skupaj sporoča, da je poletje že čisto blizu. Za to vmesno obdobje se mi zdijo zelo primerna krila srednje dolžine, takšno kot je na ilustraciji. Krilo je oprijeto, vendar dovolj raztegljivo, da je udobno. Kombinirano je z lahkotno belo bluzo, ki ima prosojen dodatek. Vse je zelo preprosto in enostavno a vseeno deluje urejeno in lepo povezano. Želim ti čim lepši zaključek nedelje!

// It is the time for May, surely my favorite month. The trees are all green, but some of them are still blossomning. Temperatures are getting slowly higher and everything is telling us a message that summer is really close. For this intermediary time I find it suitably to wear a midi-skirt, just like the one in the illustration. The skirt is tight, but enough stretchable that is comfy. It is a combination with a light white blouse with a transparent addition. Everything is very plain and simple but still looks settled and nicely linked. I hope you have a nice Sunday evening!