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Na vrsti je maj, zagotovo moj najljubši mesec. Drevesa so ozelenela, nekatera tudi še cvetijo.  Temperature se počasi višajo in vse skupaj sporoča, da je poletje že čisto blizu. Za to vmesno obdobje se mi zdijo zelo primerna krila srednje dolžine, takšno kot je na ilustraciji. Krilo je oprijeto, vendar dovolj raztegljivo, da je udobno. Kombinirano je z lahkotno belo bluzo, ki ima prosojen dodatek. Vse je zelo preprosto in enostavno a vseeno deluje urejeno in lepo povezano. Želim ti čim lepši zaključek nedelje!

// It is the time for May, surely my favorite month. The trees are all green, but some of them are still blossomning. Temperatures are getting slowly higher and everything is telling us a message that summer is really close. For this intermediary time I find it suitably to wear a midi-skirt, just like the one in the illustration. The skirt is tight, but enough stretchable that is comfy. It is a combination with a light white blouse with a transparent addition. Everything is very plain and simple but still looks settled and nicely linked. I hope you have a nice Sunday evening!

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