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Siva barva oblačil se mi sploh ne zdi slaba izbira. Je nekaj vmesnega med klasično črno in belo ter sploh ni samo za sive deževne dni. Morda ni tako elegantna kot prej omenjeni barvi, je pa vsekakor zelo enostavna in se lahko kombinira. Včasih sem imela občutek, da je ta barva primerna samo za trenerke in pižame, danes vem, da temu ni tako. Vsekakor pa je to odvisno tudi od materiala iz katerega je oblačilo narejeno. Ta enostavna siva obleka je primerna za tople poletne dni, ko želimo dati nase nekaj enostavnega in zračnega. Upam, da bo čim več takih dni.

// It doesn't seem a bad idea to me the choice of grey coloured clothes. Grey is something between classic black and white and it is not only for the grey rainy days. Maybe it's not so elegant as aformentioned colours, but anyway it is very simple and easy to combine. Once I thought that this colour is suitable only for tracksuites and pijamas, but today I know, that this is not exactly true. It also depends on the material, too. This simple grey dress is suitable for the warm summer days, when we want to wear something simple and airy. I hope that there will be a lot of such days.

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