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Odprt hrbet na dolgi obleki mi je od nekdaj nekaj najlepšega. Pomembno je seveda tudi, kakšna ženska nosi takšno obleko. Zdi se mi, da so takšne obleke primerne za vitke ženske, ki so nekoliko višje. Zelo lepo se odprt hrbet poda tudi k obleki z dolgimi rokavi in puli ovratnikom. V vsakem primeru mora biti obleka dolga. Pri kratki obleki lahko hitro pride do preveč razgaljenosti, kar pa v večini situacij ni primerno. Narisana obleka je primerna za poročni dan, za nekoliko bolj moderne neveste.

// Open back with long dress seems to me something the most beautiful. It is important what type of woman wears such a dress. It seems to me, that open back dresses are the most suitable for slim women, who are a little taller. Open back is very pretty with long sleeves and turtle neck collar dresses. In any case, the dress should be long. With short dresses could easily lead to too much nudity, which is not appropriate in most situations. The drawn dress is suitable for the wedding day, for a bit more modern brides. 

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