Da ni vedno vse
samo črno, belo in sivo, je tokrat nekaj roza. Za določene priložnosti so
zagotovo lepe tudi druge barve, ne zgolj prej omenjene. Ob risanju te
ilustracije, sem imela v mislih roza potonike. Potonike so ene izmed mojih
najljubših rož, če ne najljubše. So nežne, dišeče, dekliške, hkrati pa tako
velike in polne. Škoda je le, da vedno, ko so najbolj v cvetu pride nevihta z
dežjem in vetrom, kar jih precej zdela. Tudi narisana punca ima v rokah šopek
potonik. Z veseljem bi ga imela v rokah. Žal pa rezano cvetje hitro mine, zato
je tudi potonike najbolje občudovati v zemlji.
// As it should't be everything always just black, white
and grey, today there is something pink. For certain opportunities surely there
are other beautiful colours that apply, not only the before mentioned. While I
was drawing this one, I had peonies on my mind. Peonies are one of my favorite
flowers, or even the favorite one. They are gentle, fragrant, girly, but at
the same time big and abundant. It's such a pity that almost always when they
are in bloom, there comes a thunderstorm with heavy rain and furious wind,
which really tires them. The illustrated
girl has a bunch of peonies in her hands. I would love to have them in my
hands, too. It is a pity that cut flowers are so quickly over, that's why it
is better to admire them planted in the soil.
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