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Dolgo časa nisem nič objavila. Nekako nisem imela pravega obdobja za ustvarjanje. Včeraj pa sem ponovno prijela v roke svinčnik in razmišljala o tem, kaj naj narišem. Odločila sem se za nekaj drugačnega. Izbirala sem med orhidejo in vrtnico. Na koncu sem se odločila za cvet vrtnice, saj sem si jo lažje predstavljala v tehniki risanja s svinčnikom v primerjavi z nežnim cvetom orhideje. Za orhidejo imam nekako bolj v mislih nežno prelivanje vodenih barv. Senčenje mi je vzelo veliko časa, vendar mislim, da sta se trud in čas splačala. Opažam, da se zadnje čase več ukvarjam z rožami. V soboto sem si kupila in posadila v lončke različnih velikosti tri kaktuse. Lončki so pravzaprav pločevinke, ki so pobarvane z mat belo barvo. Zelo zelo so mi všeč. Preprosto in enostavno.

// Long time no see. Somehow I don't have creative period. I took pencil in my hand yesterday and started to think what should I draw. I decided to draw something different. I was deciding between orchid and rose. I opted for the rose bloom at the end, because I easier imagined this one draw with pencils than the tender bloom of orchid. Orchid looks better in watercolour techique. Shading took me a lot of time, but at the end I think that the time and effort have paid off. I am aware of my occupation with flowers last few days. I bought three cactuses Saturday. I planted them in three different sizes small pots. They are actually cans painted in matte white. I like them very very much. Easy and simple. 



Že za prejšnjo objavo sem narisala obleko Zuhaira Murada. Občutek sem imela, da to ni njegova prva in zadnja obleka, ki sem jo narisala. In res se je zgodilo. Narisala sem še eno. Obleka je preprostega kroja, pa vendar zelo posebna zaradi prepleta barv. Ko je koža rahlo porjavela od dotika sončnih žarkov pride še posebej do izraza. Vem, da pretirano izpostavljanje soncu ni preveč zdravo, vendar sem še vedno pristaš rahle obarvanosti. Zaradi temnejšega tena mi vse deluje lepše. Porjavelost me vedno spomni na najlepši del leta. Topli dnevi so za nami in pred nami pa tudi sonca ne manjka. Jaz sem zadovoljna!

// I already drew a dress by Zuhair Murad for the previous post. I had a feeling that this dress is not his first and last which I drew. And it really happened.  I drew one more. The dress is simple but at the same time very special because of the interwoven colours. When skin have a little tan from touch of the sun's rays the dress is express even more. I know that excessive exposure to the sun is not really healthy, but I am still adherent of slight suntan. Because of the darker skin all work more beautiful to me. Tanned skin always reminds me of the most beautiful part of the year. Warm days are behind and up to us and even the sun is not missing. I'm happy!



Že nekaj časa nazaj sem opazila mojstrovine Zuhaira Murada. Zgodila se je ljubezen na prvi pogled. Všeč so mi njegovi couture in poročni kosi kot tudi stvaritve za vsak dan. Danes pa me je pot ponovno zanesla na njegovo stran in odločila sem se, da narišem nekaj njegovega. Všeč so mi vse njegove stvaritve, zato je bila odločitev precej težka. Odločila sem se za dvodelni set v barvi fuksije. Všeč mi je preprostost in eleganca. Želim si, da bi si lahko lastila vsaj nekaj njegovega in bi hkrati imela priložnost nositi tako lepa oblačila.

// I noticed a masterpieces of Zuhair Murad a while ago. It was a love at first sight. I love his couture and bridal pieces as well as ready-to-wear garment. Today I came back to his web page and I decided to draw something from his collections. I love all his creations so the decision which one to choose was pretty difficult. I decided for his two-pieces set in fuchsia colour. I like the simplicity and elegance. I wish I could have at least one of his pieces and at the same time have the opportunity to wear such a beautiful garment. 



Resnica ni vedno tisto, kar se nam zdi na prvi pogled. Včasih je potreben odmik sam vase in premislek o vsem, kar se nam dogaja. In ko ugotovimo, da ni vse tako, kot se nam je ves čas delo, je potreben premik. Potrebno je nekaj spremeniti, da lahko zaživimo tako, kot je najbolje za nas in za vse okrog. Otresti se moramo svojih starih načinov delovanja in začeti delovati drugače. Za svoje življenje smo odgovorni sami.

// The truth is not always like it seems at first sight. Sometimes it is necessary to withdraw into ourselves and reflect about everything what happening to us. When we find out that is not everything as we have always thought, it is time to move. It is necessary to change something, that we can begin to live as it is the best for us and anyone/anything around us. We have to get rid of our old way of functioning and begin to act in different way. We have life in our own hands. 



Kombinacija bele in mornarsko modre me vedno spomni na poletje in morje. Najbrž marsikdo asociira to kombinacijo enako, saj sta to tipični barvi, ki ju nosijo mornarji.
Današnja objava je že 40. po vrsti in blog bo praznoval 6 mesecev. Od takrat se je spremenilo kar nekaj stvari. Predvsem se pozna, da imam nekoliko manj časa za risanje. Ne želim se siliti v risanje, zato to počnem kadar imam čas in voljo. Še vedno želim, da to ostane dejavnost, ki jo imam rada in ki me osrečuje. Sedaj pa je čas za pobeg na sonce in prvi letošnji skok v morje. Uživaj!

// The combiantion of white and navy blue always reminds me of summertime and the sea. Probably many people associate this combination the same, because these two are the typical colours weared by sailors.
Today's announcement is the 40th in a row and the blog will celebrate 6 months. Since then quite a lot of things has changed. Above all, the biggest change is that I have a little less time to draw. I don't want to force myself to draw, so I do it when I have time and will. I still wish that making illustrations stays an activity which I love and which makes me happy. But now is time to escape in the sun and the first season's jump into the sea. Enjoy!