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Poletje se poslavlja, vendar ga še ni povsem konec. Z zavedanjem tega izkoriščam še zadnje dneve za misel na morje in kopalke. Črne kopalke so nekaj najbolj osnovnega, podobno kot mala črna oblekica, črne hlače in črni salonarji. Klasični kosi, ki nam navadno pridejo prav. Kako izpadejo pa je seveda odvisno od modela. Narisane kopalke so moderne, nekaj med eno- in dvodelnimi. Upam, da letos ujamem še kak topel dan za skok v kopalke.

// Summer is saying goodbye, but it's not completely over, yet. By being aware of that, I take advantage of the last days with thought to the sea and swimwear. Black swimsuits are some of the most basic wardrobe pieces, like the little black dress, black pants and black heels. Classic piece that usually get it right. How it looks is of course depending on the model. Drawn swimsuit is modern, something between one- and two-pieces swimsuit. I hope that I will catch at least one warm day to jump into swimwear this year.

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