Poletja še ni
konec, zato bo na vrsti še kakšna poletno obarvana objava. Je pa res, da ne
morem več zanikati, da se poletje bliža koncu, čeprav bi to zelo rada storila.
Počasi prehajamo v hladnejšo polovico leta. Če bi se dalo, bi se v tem času
preselila v toplejše kraje. Mogoče pa bom nekoč imela to možnost.
Jeseni pa se
upiram tudi z risanjem deklet v kopalkah. Z njimi pride spomin na plažo, toplo
sonce, šum morja in škržatov. Če bi bilo možno bi te občutke shranila v majhno
stekleničko in vedno, ko bi pogrešala ta del leta, bi enostavno odprla
stekleničko in prisluhnila. Najbrž bi se moja steklenička hitro spraznila.
The summer is not
over yet, so that's why there are still going to be some summer posts on my
blog. It is true, I can't deny anymore, the summer will be over soon, although
I like to do this. We are getting slowly in the fresher half of the year. If I
could, I would love to move to warmer places on Earth. Someday I might have
opportunity to realize that wish.
I resist to autumn
with drawing girls in swimming suits. With that kind of illustration I can get
back the memories of the beach, warm sun, sound of sea and cicadas. If it is
possible, i will collect this feelings into the bottle and always, when I will
miss those times, I will simply open it and listen to them. My bottle would be
probably empty soon.
Thank you for your kind words. Have a nice day!