Kaj je lepšega, kot biti zunaj v naravi, stran
od betona in toplega asfalta? Še posebej mi je všeč zunaj v naravi, ko postane
toplo, tako kot je zadnje dni. Veš, da še ni pravo poletje, pa vendar ga že čutiš. Dnevi so dolgi, večeri pa
primerno topli za aktivnosti na prostem, kot so tek, kolesarjenje, igre z žogo
ipd. Ker že govorim o naravi, pa naj bo temu primerna tudi današnja risba, v
znamenju zelene namreč. Uživaj v toplih dneh in dolgih večerih!
// Is there anything more beautiful , than being
outside in the nature, far away from concrete and asphalt? I especially love to
be outside in the nature, when it becomes warm, like these days. You know that
the true summer is still coming, but it already feels like it. Days are long
and the evening warm enough for outdoor activities, such as jogging, cycling,
games with a ball, etc. And because I am already talking about the nature, also
today's illustration should be in that spirit, green marked. Enjoy the warm
days and the long evenings!
lovely! :)