Ponovno nekaj
čisto črnega. Ilustracija s kratkim topom in oprijetim krilom z razporkom. Kombinacija
je precej poletna, vendar bolj primerna za večerne izhode ali posebne
priložnosti. Všeč mi je, ker ni zgolj mala črna oblekica, ampak ima nekaj več.
Prav tako pa se mi zdi kratek top še najbolj posrečen v kombinaciji z visokim
pasom krila ali hlač. Vsekakor se mi zdi
kombinacija, ki bi jo bilo vredno preizkusiti.
// And again something
quite black. An illustration with a crop top and close-fitting skirt with slit.
The combination is quite suitable for summer, but even more for evening outs or
some special occasions. I like it because it is not only a little black dress,
but it has something more. It also seems to me, that the crop top is most
felicitous in combination with high waisted skirt or trousers. In any case, it seems to me, that this
combination is something which would be worth trying.
Thank you:)