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V današnjih časih smo ljudje pogosto zaposleni z različnimi obveznostmi. Nekaj si jih nakopljemo sami, nekaterim pa se težje izognemo. Navadno tiste, ki si jih izberemo sami, lažje opravimo, saj smo si jih najbrž zadali z nekim ciljem, da preko njih nekaj dosežemo. Z drugimi obveznostmi pa imamo včasih nekaj več težav. Kljub vsemu je pomembno, da si, ne glede na število opravkov, znamo vzeti tudi čas zase. Čas, v katerem lahko počnemo stvari, ki nas veselijo in čas, v katerem smo lahko sami s seboj, premislimo o sebi in se tudi sprostimo. Sama v ta čas vštevam druženje s prijatelji, tek, kolesarjenje, telovadbo, pogovore z bližnjimi, ustvarjanje, sprehode, hojo v hribe, branje dobre knjige in podobno. Zdi se mi pomembno, da se temu ne odrečemo kljub vsem opravkom, ki jih imamo. Včasih je težko in se nam ne da, ker se obdamo z oblačkom skrbi in razmišljanj,  ampak po tem, ko naredimo nekaj zase, se počutimo dobro, napolnjeni z novo energijo in ostale obveznosti opravimo lažje.

// Nowadays people are often busy with various obligations. Some of them we incur ourselves, some are harder to avoid. Usually, those which we chose alone, are easier to do, because we have probably set them ourselves with an aim to achieve something through them. With the other obligations we sometimes have more problems. Nevertheless, it is important that no matter how much things we have to do, we should also take time for ourselves. The time in which we can do things that gives us pleasure and time in which we can be with ourselves, think about ourselves and also relax. In that time I include associating with frends, running, cycling, working out, talks with loved ones, being creative, going on walk, hiking, reading good books and other things like that. It seems important to me, that we don't renounce all this, because of all preoccupations that we have. Sometimes it seems difficult to us and we are a little bit lazy, because we encircle us with a cloud of concerns and reflections, but once we do something for ourselves, we feel really good, filled with new energy and the other obligations are easily done.

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