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Poletje prinaša s sabo visoke temperature. Večina si nas takrat želi obleči v nekaj lahkotnega in enostavnega. Prav to predstavlja moja današnja ilustracija. Enostavnost v materialu, kroju in barvah. Poletje se mi zdi najbolj primeren letni čas za oblačenje v belo. Belo enostavno dolgo bluzo sem popestrila z enostavnimi sandali, ki se jih zaveže na sredini meč. Enostavno, pa kljub temu deluje ravno prav elegantno za vsakdanje opravke ali pa večerne izhode. Obožujem poletje!

// The coming summer brings higher and higher temperatures . A lot of us want to wear something light and simple during this time. And this is excately what today's illustration represents. Simplicity in material, cut and colours. It seems to me that the summer is the most appropriate time for wearing white. I variegated a simple long white blouse with simple black sandals which lace it up in the middle of the calves. Simple, but still enough elegant for the ordinary errands or evening way outs. I adore summer!

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