Sem ena izmed
tistih, ki ne marajo jeseni, ampak letos se je nekaj spremenilo. Pred nekaj
dnevi sem gledala skozi okno, s skodelico sveže pripravljenega čaja v rokah in
pogled mi je bil pravzaprav všeč. Bilo je megleno in nekaj drevesnih listov se
je že odelo v rumene in oranžne tone. Prevel me je občutek udobja in topline.
Priznati moram, da mi je za zdaj letošnja jesen všeč. Tudi v najinem stanovanju
sem že poskrbela za jesensko okrasitev z nekaj bučami in jesenskim listjem.
Nameravam kupiti tudi nekaj sveč z vonjem po cimetu, pomarančah ali kaj podobno
jesenskega. Včeraj je bil tudi dan za risanje. Ilustracija je dodana spodaj,
kot ponavadi. Všeč mi je ta kombinacija! Popolna se mi zdi za prave jesenske
meglene dni, saj vanje prinese nekaj barve. Imej lepo soboto!
// I am not admirer
of the autumn, but this year something has changed. Few days ago I was looking
through the window with a cup of hot tea, and I liked the view. It was a foggy
and some of the leaves were yellow and orange already. It was just give me the
feeling of cosiness and warmth. So this days I actually like autumn so far. I did
some autumn decorations in our flat, with pumpkins and colourful leaves. I'm
going to buy some scented candles of cinnamon, orange and something like that. I
don't know but I just like it this year. Yesterday was a day for drawing, too.
I drew this illustration down below. I love this style! I find it perfect for
foggy days, just to bring some colours in it. Have a beautiful Saturday!
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