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Da ni jesen samo rumena, oranžna, rdeča in rjava, sem ji dodala nekaj roza barve. Če imamo en kos oblačila tako poseben oziroma izstopajoč, kot je narisan plašč, je pomembno, da so ostala oblačila v bolj preprostih in umirjenih barvah. Črna skupaj z roza se mi zdi zelo klasična in preverjena kombinacija. Bolj živahno jesensko kombinacijo objavljam ravno pravi čas, saj prihajajo bolj sončni dnevi. Uživaj v jesenskem soncu, ogrni se v nekaj pisanega in natakni si očala skozi katera vidiš svet lepše.

// That there are not only yellow, orange, red and brown colours, I added some pink. If we have one piece, such as this pink coat, so special and outstanding, other clothing should be more simple and subdued colours. Black with pink seems to me pretty classic and checked combination. I have published this vivid autumn combination at the right time, because here comes the sun again. Enjoy the autumn sun, put on something gaily coloured and some glasses through which you see world more beautiful. 


  1. That's so good! I love the drawing and I love the outfit in it!

    Raindrops of Sapphire
