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Praznik velike noči doživljam podobno kot ostale praznike. Ni tako pomembno ali se verjame v to okrog česar je nastal praznik ali ne, pomembno se mi zdi, da smo skupaj z ljudmi, s katerimi smo najbolj povezani. Ljudje imamo takrat navadno več časa za druženje in pogovarjanje. V tem vidim največjo vrednost praznikov. Žalostno pa je, ko se to pogosto izkorišča v komercialne namene z željo po zaslužku. Nekaj tednov pred veliko nočjo poštne nabiralnike že polnijo oglasi z velikonočno ponudbo. Od šunke pa vse do čokoladnih zajčkov, jajčk in igrač. Tega res ne maram. Tudi, ko prideš v trgovino ne moreš spregledati vseh jajc in zajcev. V navalu nakupovanja se nihče ne vpraša po prvotnem namenu praznika in pomenu praznikov na sploh. Ni potrebno, da se najemo za naprej in nazaj, saj če smo pošteni, trgovine bodo obstajale tudi naslednje dni, torej ni skrbi zaradi lakote. Sledi začarani krog, saj po praznikih navadno stopijo na plano raznorazni prehranski strokovnjaki in guruji, ki svetujejo razna prehranska dopolnila, razstrupljanje telesa in podobno. In sledijo novi prazniki in ponovno nasveti "strokovnjakov". In tako je vedno znova. Sami se odločimo, kaj bomo pojedli in koliko, zato razmišljajmo v naprej. Upam, da lepo preživljaš proste dni, prigrizneš tudi kaj dobrega, predvsem pa ti želim, da se imaš lepo z ljudmi, ki te obdajajo!

// For me feast of the Easter is just like any of the other holidays. It is not so important if you believe in stories behind of why this day is a feast or not, but I think that it is important to be with people with whom you are connected the most. During this days people normally have more time to be with each other and more time for chat. It seems to me, that this is the biggest value of the holidays. On the other hand it is very sad that a lot of people and organizations exploit this time for commercial intentions with a common desire to make profit. Few weeks before Easter a lot of  leaflet advertisements linked to Easter come to our letter boxes.   Everything from ham to the chocolate Easter bunnies, eggs and toys are in them. I really don't like this. And when you come to the grocery store you just can't overlook all the big chocolate eggs and the bunnies. During all those Ester's rush no one questions himself/herself what this holiday even primary means or what holidays in general mean to us. It is not necessary to eat a lot of food well before and after the holidays, because you know, supermarkets will be there even after the holidays are over, so you don't have to worry about hunger. After that follows the magic circle because a lot of nutritionists and gurus come to light and they suggest dietary supplements,  detoxification of the body and so on. After this follows the other, yearly holidays and there are again different experts for food waiting for their turn. And this happens again and again. We are the ones who decide what we will eat and how much and therefore think in advance. I hope that you have a nice holiday, eat good and above all I wish you to have a good time with people around you! 

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