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Kombinacija bele in mornarsko modre me vedno spomni na poletje in morje. Najbrž marsikdo asociira to kombinacijo enako, saj sta to tipični barvi, ki ju nosijo mornarji.
Današnja objava je že 40. po vrsti in blog bo praznoval 6 mesecev. Od takrat se je spremenilo kar nekaj stvari. Predvsem se pozna, da imam nekoliko manj časa za risanje. Ne želim se siliti v risanje, zato to počnem kadar imam čas in voljo. Še vedno želim, da to ostane dejavnost, ki jo imam rada in ki me osrečuje. Sedaj pa je čas za pobeg na sonce in prvi letošnji skok v morje. Uživaj!

// The combiantion of white and navy blue always reminds me of summertime and the sea. Probably many people associate this combination the same, because these two are the typical colours weared by sailors.
Today's announcement is the 40th in a row and the blog will celebrate 6 months. Since then quite a lot of things has changed. Above all, the biggest change is that I have a little less time to draw. I don't want to force myself to draw, so I do it when I have time and will. I still wish that making illustrations stays an activity which I love and which makes me happy. But now is time to escape in the sun and the first season's jump into the sea. Enjoy!

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