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Večina ljudi se med sabo primerja. Druge ocenijo kot boljše ali slabše v primerjavi s sabo ali drugimi. Pogosti dejavnik primerjave je zunanjost. Ljudje opazujemo drug druge in razmišljamo in/ali komentiramo njihov tip telesne zgradbe, način oblačenja, pričesko, ličenje, obnašanje itd. Seznam je lahko neskončen. Redko kdo je takšen, ki tega ne počne. In edino tako je prav. Nihče nima pravice ocenjevati drugih po teh lastnostih. Pravzaprav ni nihče boljši in nihče slabši, ker smo si vsi med sabo zelo podobni. Žal so tudi teme pogovorov med ljudmi pogosto zgolj in samo o omenjenih stvareh. Več bi se morali pogovarjati o naših razmišljanjih, videnjih določenih stvari, ki se nam dogajajo, o naših občutkih in na sploh več o nas samih in naši osebni rasti in razvoju. Imamo se za zelo razvita bitja, pa tega žal ne dokazujemo prav pogosto.

// A lot of people compare oneself with others. They judge other people as better or worse then they see themselves. The main factor of comparison is often appearance. We observe each other and thinking about or comment their body type, style, hairstyle, make up, behaviour and so on. This list can be endless. There are only few of people who don't do this. And only this way is right. Nobody has the right to evaluate other for these attributes. As a matter of fact no one is better or worse, because we are all the same.  Unfortunately, the talks between human beings are often strict and purely on these things. We have to think and talk more about our thoughts, different aspects of the same theme, about our feelings and in general about us and our personal growth and development. We think, we are highly developed creatures, but unfortunately this is not proving very often.