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Odprt hrbet na dolgi obleki mi je od nekdaj nekaj najlepšega. Pomembno je seveda tudi, kakšna ženska nosi takšno obleko. Zdi se mi, da so takšne obleke primerne za vitke ženske, ki so nekoliko višje. Zelo lepo se odprt hrbet poda tudi k obleki z dolgimi rokavi in puli ovratnikom. V vsakem primeru mora biti obleka dolga. Pri kratki obleki lahko hitro pride do preveč razgaljenosti, kar pa v večini situacij ni primerno. Narisana obleka je primerna za poročni dan, za nekoliko bolj moderne neveste.

// Open back with long dress seems to me something the most beautiful. It is important what type of woman wears such a dress. It seems to me, that open back dresses are the most suitable for slim women, who are a little taller. Open back is very pretty with long sleeves and turtle neck collar dresses. In any case, the dress should be long. With short dresses could easily lead to too much nudity, which is not appropriate in most situations. The drawn dress is suitable for the wedding day, for a bit more modern brides. 



Tokrat je na vrsti klasična kombinacija s pridihom sedanjosti. Bela in črna je nekaj najbolj enostavnega in hkrati pogosto izpade zelo dobro. Pridih sedanjosti na tej ilustraciji so zagotovo široke hlačnice in volančki. Ostro pa vendar romantično. Hkrati pa tudi športno in predvsem nosljivo.
Danes je prvi poletni dan. Škoda, da tega ni bilo možno občutiti na temperaturah. Z današnjim dnem se je tudi dan začel krajšati. Ampak, ker je pred nami še celo poletje, ne bom bila negativno nastrojena. Lep nedeljski večer ti želim!

// This time I show you a classic combination with touch of present time. White and black combination is something the most simple and at the same time often turns out well. On this illustration the touch of these days are flare trousers and frills. Edgy but still romantic. At the same time it is sporty look and above all, wearable.
Today is the first day of summer. Unfortunately, we can't feel this with high temperatures. Today is also the day, when days are getting shorter. However, since there is still a whole summer, I will not be resentful. I wish you a nice Sunday evening! 



Letošnje poletje me je prepričalo z dolgimi oblekami, krili do tal in kombinezoni. Tudi hlačna krila so mi všeč. Sproščeno, lahkotno, sveže in prav nič razgaljeno in prostaško. Hkrati primerno za ogromno priložnosti. Mislim, da smo vsi že nekoliko siti teh najstniških oprav, kjer je več razkrito kot pokrito. Z vsemi temi mislimi sem ustvarila ilustracijo, ki jo objavljam spodaj. Dolga obleka modre barve. Zakaj modra? Da ni vse črno ali belo. Predvsem pa zato, ker je modra barva poletja, barva neba in morja. Barva sprostitve. Žal pa je prišlo tudi do manj rednega objavljanja novih ilustracij na blogu, kot bi si želela. Čas mi teče prehitro in posledično ne uspem. Ko bom imela več časa, obljubim, da se popravim. Do takrat pa upam, da te ne moti nekaj nerednosti in vseeno prideš pogledati na vsake toliko časa.

// This year's summertime have persuaded me with maxi dresses, long skirts and overalls. I like the culotteses as well. Relaxed, easy, fresh and nothing naked and vulgar at all.  At the same time this style is appropriate for a lot of different occasions. I think, that we are all fed up with the teenager outfits, where there is more bare skin than covered. With all this feelings I made this illustration. Maxi dress in blue. Why blue? Not everything is black and white. Above all because blue is the colour of summer, sky and sea. A relaxing colour. Unfortunately my posts on my blog are more rare than I wish them to be. Time flies too fast at the moment and I consecutively have very little spare time at my disposal. When things  will normalize, I swear, I will post more often. Till then I hope, that you don't mind some irregularity and you come to visit my blog anyway.



Da ni vedno vse samo črno, belo in sivo, je tokrat nekaj roza. Za določene priložnosti so zagotovo lepe tudi druge barve, ne zgolj prej omenjene. Ob risanju te ilustracije, sem imela v mislih roza potonike. Potonike so ene izmed mojih najljubših rož, če ne najljubše. So nežne, dišeče, dekliške, hkrati pa tako velike in polne. Škoda je le, da vedno, ko so najbolj v cvetu pride nevihta z dežjem in vetrom, kar jih precej zdela. Tudi narisana punca ima v rokah šopek potonik. Z veseljem bi ga imela v rokah. Žal pa rezano cvetje hitro mine, zato je tudi potonike najbolje občudovati v zemlji.

// As it should't be everything always just black, white and grey, today there is something pink. For certain opportunities surely there are other beautiful colours that apply, not only the before mentioned. While I was drawing this one, I had peonies on my mind. Peonies are one of my favorite flowers, or even the favorite one. They are gentle, fragrant, girly, but at the same time big and abundant. It's such a pity that almost always when they are in bloom, there comes a thunderstorm with heavy rain and furious wind, which really tires them.  The illustrated girl has a bunch of peonies in her hands. I would love to have them in my hands, too. It is a pity that cut flowers are so quickly over, that's why it is better to admire them planted in the soil. 



Siva barva oblačil se mi sploh ne zdi slaba izbira. Je nekaj vmesnega med klasično črno in belo ter sploh ni samo za sive deževne dni. Morda ni tako elegantna kot prej omenjeni barvi, je pa vsekakor zelo enostavna in se lahko kombinira. Včasih sem imela občutek, da je ta barva primerna samo za trenerke in pižame, danes vem, da temu ni tako. Vsekakor pa je to odvisno tudi od materiala iz katerega je oblačilo narejeno. Ta enostavna siva obleka je primerna za tople poletne dni, ko želimo dati nase nekaj enostavnega in zračnega. Upam, da bo čim več takih dni.

// It doesn't seem a bad idea to me the choice of grey coloured clothes. Grey is something between classic black and white and it is not only for the grey rainy days. Maybe it's not so elegant as aformentioned colours, but anyway it is very simple and easy to combine. Once I thought that this colour is suitable only for tracksuites and pijamas, but today I know, that this is not exactly true. It also depends on the material, too. This simple grey dress is suitable for the warm summer days, when we want to wear something simple and airy. I hope that there will be a lot of such days.



Danes je zadnji dan mojega najljubšega meseca. Ob koncu maja vedno čutim neke vrste žalost. Res je, da prihaja pravo poletje, pa vendar se končujejo dnevi, ki so meni najljubši. Samo v tem času je narava tako polna življenja. Zjutraj se oglašajo ptiči, čez dan in proti večeru je v ušesih glasba murenčkov, ponoči pa nastopi poseben mir. Ne znam povedati, vendar sem v tem času resnično zaljubljena vanjo in hkrati čutim veliko hvaležnost, da lahko živim v tem čudovitem prostoru. Včasih je težko opisati svoje občutke, ampak, ker so resnični, upam, da se jih čuti skozi zapisane besede. Zadnje čase pa mi daje veliko za misliti tudi dejstvo, da čas beži z neomejeno hitrostjo. Dnevi, tedni in meseci gredo mimo, za njimi pa ostajajo zgolj spomini. Težko je živeti v trenutku, ker le-ta mine tako hitro. Ravno zaradi tega se mi zdi pomembno, da preživljamo kakovosten čas. Pri tem imam posebej v mislih prosti čas. Včasih ga rada preživljam v samoti, včasih pa v ožji družbi, v družbi, ki mi pomeni največ – moji družini in ob nekaterih drugih ljudeh, ki so mi zelo blizu. Proste dni rada izkoristim od zgodnjega jutra naprej. Zjutraj mi paše biti sama s sabo, s svojimi mislimi in občutki. V tem času tudi rada začutim naravo okoli sebe, jo občudujem, ji prisluhnem in zgolj uživam v danem trenutku. Čez dan navadno postanem bolj družabna, saj se rada več pogovarjam. Prosti dnevi mi vlijejo veliko energije in me nekako izpolnjujejo. Najlepše je živeti mirne dni. Želim si, da bi jih bilo veliko.

// Today is the last day of my favorite month. Every year at the end of May I feel some kind of sadness. It is true that the summer is starting, but at the same time that means the end of my favorite days. The nature is so vivid and full of life only at this time of the year. At morning there are birds singing, during the day and at the afternoon we can listen to the songs of crickets and at the night time special peace occurs. I can't describe with words, but I am really in love with nature during that time and I feel a great gratitude that I can live in this beautiful space. Sometimes it is not easy to describe our own feelings, but because they are real, I hope you can feel them through the written words. I'm thinking recently a lot about the fact, that the time is passing by with unlimited speed. Days, weeks and months are passing by really fast leaving behind only the memories. It is hard to live in the moment when it is over so fast. Because of that I find it important to live a quality time. I mean especially  the free time. I like to be with my own sometimes and sometimes with my narrower company, in company who means the most to me – my family and some other people with who I am really close to. I like to make good use of free days from the morning ahead. At mornings I like to be on my own, with my thoughts and feelings. At that time I like to feel the nature around me, admire it, listen to it and just enjoy the given moment. During the day I become more sociable and usually I like to talk with others. Free days give me a lot of energy and make me whole again. The most beautiful are free days. I wish, there will be a lot of them.