Danes je zadnji
dan mojega najljubšega meseca. Ob koncu maja vedno čutim neke vrste žalost. Res
je, da prihaja pravo poletje, pa vendar se končujejo dnevi, ki so meni
najljubši. Samo v tem času je narava tako polna življenja. Zjutraj se oglašajo
ptiči, čez dan in proti večeru je v ušesih glasba murenčkov, ponoči pa nastopi
poseben mir. Ne znam povedati, vendar sem v tem času resnično zaljubljena vanjo
in hkrati čutim veliko hvaležnost, da lahko živim v tem čudovitem prostoru. Včasih
je težko opisati svoje občutke, ampak, ker so resnični, upam, da se jih čuti
skozi zapisane besede. Zadnje čase pa mi daje veliko za misliti tudi dejstvo,
da čas beži z neomejeno hitrostjo. Dnevi, tedni in meseci gredo mimo, za njimi
pa ostajajo zgolj spomini. Težko je živeti v trenutku, ker le-ta mine tako
hitro. Ravno zaradi tega se mi zdi pomembno, da preživljamo kakovosten čas. Pri
tem imam posebej v mislih prosti čas. Včasih ga rada preživljam v samoti,
včasih pa v ožji družbi, v družbi, ki mi pomeni največ – moji družini in ob nekaterih
drugih ljudeh, ki so mi zelo blizu. Proste dni rada izkoristim od zgodnjega
jutra naprej. Zjutraj mi paše biti sama s sabo, s svojimi mislimi in občutki. V
tem času tudi rada začutim naravo okoli sebe, jo občudujem, ji prisluhnem in
zgolj uživam v danem trenutku. Čez dan navadno postanem bolj družabna, saj se
rada več pogovarjam. Prosti dnevi mi vlijejo veliko energije in me nekako
izpolnjujejo. Najlepše je živeti mirne dni. Želim si, da bi jih bilo veliko.
// Today is the last
day of my favorite month. Every year at the end of May I feel some kind of
sadness. It is true that the summer is starting, but at the same time that
means the end of my favorite days. The nature is so vivid and full of life only
at this time of the year. At morning there are birds singing, during the day
and at the afternoon we can listen to the songs of crickets and at the night
time special peace occurs. I can't describe with words, but I am really in love
with nature during that time and I feel a great gratitude that I can live in
this beautiful space. Sometimes it is not easy to describe our own feelings,
but because they are real, I hope you can feel them through the written words.
I'm thinking recently a lot about the fact, that the time is passing by with
unlimited speed. Days, weeks and months are passing by really fast leaving
behind only the memories. It is hard to live in the moment when it is over so
fast. Because of that I find it important to live a quality time. I mean especially the free time. I like to be with my own
sometimes and sometimes with my narrower company, in company who means the most
to me – my family and some other people with who I am really close to. I like
to make good use of free days from the morning ahead. At mornings I like to be
on my own, with my thoughts and feelings. At that time I like to feel the
nature around me, admire it, listen to it and just enjoy the given moment.
During the day I become more sociable and usually I like to talk with others. Free
days give me a lot of energy and make me whole again. The most beautiful are
free days. I wish, there will be a lot of them.