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Rdeča je močna barva. Povezuje se s strastjo, ljubeznijo, energijo, akcijo. Nesamozavestnim naj bi vlivala pogum in odpravljala občutke sramu. Zagotovo je nekaj posebnega na njej. Tudi ženske oblečene v rdečo obleko izkazujejo neko moč in pogum. In ker je barva sama po sebi tako močna in polna, obleka ne potrebuje izrazitega kroja. Obleka je enostavna, oprijeta, ni odprta in ni prekratka. Odkriva ramena, kar mi je trenutno zelo všeč. Takšen stil obleke bi zagotovo nosile samozavestne ženske, ki jim ni težko postaviti na ogled svojega telesa. In zopet smo pri samozavesti. Ali bi nosile to obleko ali ne, je pomembno, da smo samozavestne, optimistične, prepričane vase, hkrati pa še vedno empatične in razumevajoče. Lahko noč!

// Red is a strong colour. It's associated with passion, love, energy, action. To people with low self-esteem a red colour gives courage and suppresses shame. Certainly there is something special in a red colour. Women who wear red dress indicate some kind of power and courage, too. And because the colour is strong by itself, the dress should have a pretty simple cut. The dress is simple, tight, it's not open and not to short. It exposes shoulders, which I like very much at the moment.  That dress's style is probably worn by women with high self-esteem, who don't mind to show their body. And we are talking again about self-esteem. No matter if we wear this dress or not, it is important that we have high self-esteem, are optimistic, are convinced, but on the other hand we should still be empathic and understanding. Good night!


  1. What a lovely drawing! You are so talented!!

    1. Oh, it's so nice to hear/read that. Thank you!

  2. Ana, vsaka slika posebej, ki jo objaviš je super lepa :) in ne samo obleke, ampak tudi figure.. vsi detajli, od viziranja naprej.. super! :)

    1. Hvala Anja. Lepo je prebrat take komentarje:)
