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Letošnje poletje me je prepričalo z dolgimi oblekami, krili do tal in kombinezoni. Tudi hlačna krila so mi všeč. Sproščeno, lahkotno, sveže in prav nič razgaljeno in prostaško. Hkrati primerno za ogromno priložnosti. Mislim, da smo vsi že nekoliko siti teh najstniških oprav, kjer je več razkrito kot pokrito. Z vsemi temi mislimi sem ustvarila ilustracijo, ki jo objavljam spodaj. Dolga obleka modre barve. Zakaj modra? Da ni vse črno ali belo. Predvsem pa zato, ker je modra barva poletja, barva neba in morja. Barva sprostitve. Žal pa je prišlo tudi do manj rednega objavljanja novih ilustracij na blogu, kot bi si želela. Čas mi teče prehitro in posledično ne uspem. Ko bom imela več časa, obljubim, da se popravim. Do takrat pa upam, da te ne moti nekaj nerednosti in vseeno prideš pogledati na vsake toliko časa.

// This year's summertime have persuaded me with maxi dresses, long skirts and overalls. I like the culotteses as well. Relaxed, easy, fresh and nothing naked and vulgar at all.  At the same time this style is appropriate for a lot of different occasions. I think, that we are all fed up with the teenager outfits, where there is more bare skin than covered. With all this feelings I made this illustration. Maxi dress in blue. Why blue? Not everything is black and white. Above all because blue is the colour of summer, sky and sea. A relaxing colour. Unfortunately my posts on my blog are more rare than I wish them to be. Time flies too fast at the moment and I consecutively have very little spare time at my disposal. When things  will normalize, I swear, I will post more often. Till then I hope, that you don't mind some irregularity and you come to visit my blog anyway.

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