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Opravljaj vse to in še več. Razmišljaj izven danih okvirjev, poglobi se v tok misli, pluj z njimi. Igraj se z življenjem, zavedaj se, da ga vodiš sam. Sanjaj o stvareh, ki si jih želiš, saj si s sanjami že korak bližje. Čuti sebe, čuti okolico, bodi v ravnovesju. Ljubi vse kar te obdaja, saj se ti bo ljubezen vračala. Živi svoje življenje in si upaj. Sprejmi sebe in druge, takšne kot so.

// Do all this and even more. Think outside the box,get lost in your flow, go with it. Play with life, be conscious that it is in your hands. Dream about things you wish, because with dreams you are already one step closer. Feel yourself, feel the surroundings, be balanced. Love everything around you, because love will return. Live your life and dare. Accept yourself and others just the way they are. 



Ali hlače na zvonec. Približno 10 let nazaj so bile takšne hlače nekaj povsem normalnega. Nosile smo jih zagotovo skoraj vse predstavnice ženskega spola. Prav tako so se v modi pojavile že kar nekajkrat pred tem. Potem je vmes prišlo obdobje, ko si nismo mogli niti predstavljati, da bi nosili takšen kroj hlač. Vse hlače so postale oprijete vse od pasu do gležnjev. Zdaj pa se že od leta 2012 počasi poskušajo prikrasti nazaj v naše omare. Pri tem tipu hlač je pomembno kakšen material, kroj in barvo izberemo glede na našo postavo. Menim, da imamo skoraj vse predstavnice nežnejšega spola pred sabo cilj, da bi izgledale lepo, vitko, z dolgimi nogami. Takšen kroj hlač nam lahko pomaga ali pa tudi ne. Narisane hlače so iz lahkega, živahnega blaga. Na topu pa so volančki, ki mi zadnje čase postajajo vse bolj všeč. Takšne bi lahko bile kopalke, zgornji del poročne obleke ali pa samo takšen kos, kot je narisana bluza. Barvna kombinacija je sveža, pomladna in čista. In da bi vsega skupaj preveč so na nogah narisane superge, kot so na primer Adidas Superstar, povsem klasičen model, ki se prav tako vrača. Moda je pravzaprav samo recikliranje že vsega videnega v nekaj navidezno novega. Ponavlja pa se na toliko časa, da večino starega že damo stran, kar pomeni, da moramo ponovno kupiti novo.

In če se že spominjamo časov izpred nekaj let naj omenim še to, da smo včeraj imeli obletnico zaključka osnovne šole. Zanimivo je bilo videti vse stare obraze s katerimi smo se videvali 8 oziroma vsaj 4 leta. Vmes se je spremenilo ogromno, a hkrati tako malo. Nostalgija …

// Nearly 10 years ago this kind of trousers were something completely normal. Almost all representatives of female sex wore it. The trousers also appeared in fashion a few times before that.  After that there was a time when we couldn't even imagine to wear that kind of trousers. All trousers were skinny, tight from top to the bottom. Since 2012 flare trousers have tried to come back in our wardrobes. In this type of trousers it is important what kind of material, cut and colour we choose in relate to our figure. In my opinion almost all women have an aim to look pretty, slim and with long legs. That shape of trousers can help us or maybe not. Trousers on illustration are from a light, vivid cloth. On the top there are ruffles, which I like more and more. In similar style can also be a swimsuit, top of  the wedding dress or just that piece as it is drawn blouse. Colour combination is fresh, springly and pure. And not to be to much of everything I draw sneakers, as it is Adidas Superstar, classic model, which are coming back, too. Actually fashion is just a recycle of all already seen pieces in something apparently new. It repeats in so big intervals that we gave away almost all old pieces, which means that we should buy all new.

In remembering the old days I would like to say, that yesterday we had an anniversary of the primary shool. It was interesting to see all the old faces with which we were together for 8 or at least 4 years. In between this time things changed a lot, but at the same time so little. Nostalgia …



Trenutno se nahajam v življenjski situaciji, v kateri se mi dogaja veliko sprememb. To obdobje traja že približno pol leta. Ob spremembah vedno poskušam razmišljati pozitivno, torej, da s sabo prinašajo nekaj dobrega. Vseeno pa me spremembe vedno znova ogrnejo v plašč negotovosti, nostalgičnosti, strahu pred izgubljanjem starega in udobnega. V takšnih obdobjih je lepo imeti ob sebi ljudi, ki te razumejo, ki vedo, zakaj si včasih malo bolj razdražljiv ali odsoten. In verjamem, da so spremembe nekaj nujnega in vedno pozitivnega, pa čeprav se včasih zgodi, da na prvi pogled niso nič od tega. Lep in miren večer ti želim!

// Currently in my life, there are taking place a lot of changes. This period already lasts approximate half a year. I always try to think positively, when changes are happening, so they bring something good in our life.  Nevertheless changes awaken feelings of unsecurity, nostalgia, fear of losing the old and cosy lifestyle. During this kind of period it is nice to have people around us, who understand us and know why we are more irritable or lost in thoughts, sometimes. And I also believe, that changes are something urgent and always something positive, in spite of the appearance at first sight. Have a nice and peaceful evening!



Po že zelo prijetnih pomladnih temperaturah, so se temperature zopet spustile. Vreme je sicer sončno, vendar vseeno hladno. Tudi piha, tako da ni prav prijetno.
Včeraj smo praznovali fantov rojstni dan. V ta namen sem pripravila presno mangovo torto. Recept sem našla na slovenski spletni strani z veganskimi jedmi. Prva plast je iz mletih indijskih oreščkov, rozin in dateljev. Nadev je iz manga, banane, limoninega soka in kokosovega olja. Na vrhu je preliv iz mletih borovnic in dateljev ter kančkom limoninega soka. Okusi se lepo prepletajo in tudi vizualno je torta privlačna.  Všeč mi je, ker je lahka in povsem naravna, brez sladkorja ali umetnih sladil, brez konzervansov in podobnega. Tudi nikoli prej še nisem jedla ali delala česa podobnega, zato sem izjemno zadovoljna s končnim rezultatom. Ampak, ker to ni blog o hrani, se vrnimo nazaj na risanje. Današnja ilustracija je precej poletna, ne glede na hladnejše vreme. Črtasta krila so v modi že leto ali dve, vendar mislim, da še ne bodo šla v pozabo. Nasploh črte so nekaj, kar zvesto ostaja na oblačilih že nekaj let. Top pa je v primerjavi s krilom enostaven in enobarven. In ker ima krilo višji pas, je top nekoliko krajši, da je vidne malo več kože. Narisana je enostavna poletna kombinacija, primerna za veliko sproščenih priložnosti.

// After that really warm temperatures, they have fallen down again. The weather is sunny but still cold. And it is also windy, so it's not very pleasant to be outside.
Yesterday we celebrated my boyfriend's birthday. That's why I made a raw mango cake. I found the recipe on one Slovenian website which is all about vegan dishes. The first layer is made from ground cashew, raisins and dates. The Filling is from mango, banana, lemon juice and coconut oil. And lastly, the topping is from grounded blueberries, dates and a little lemon juice. Tastes are well linked and the cake looks nice too. I like it, because the cake is light, all natural, without sugar and artificial sweeteners, without additives or something similar. I have never eat or done something like this before, for the first time I am very satisfied with end result. However, this is not a blog about food, so lets get back to drawing. Today's illustration is pretty summery, in spite of the cold weather. Skirts with stripes are in fashion for year or two now, but I think they will still remain for some time.  Generally, stripes are something that is fashionable for a few years now. The top is simple and one-coloured. And because skirt have higher waist, the top is a little shorter so we can see a little more skin. The drown combination is one of the simple summery styles, appropriate for a lot relaxing occasions. 



Rdeča je močna barva. Povezuje se s strastjo, ljubeznijo, energijo, akcijo. Nesamozavestnim naj bi vlivala pogum in odpravljala občutke sramu. Zagotovo je nekaj posebnega na njej. Tudi ženske oblečene v rdečo obleko izkazujejo neko moč in pogum. In ker je barva sama po sebi tako močna in polna, obleka ne potrebuje izrazitega kroja. Obleka je enostavna, oprijeta, ni odprta in ni prekratka. Odkriva ramena, kar mi je trenutno zelo všeč. Takšen stil obleke bi zagotovo nosile samozavestne ženske, ki jim ni težko postaviti na ogled svojega telesa. In zopet smo pri samozavesti. Ali bi nosile to obleko ali ne, je pomembno, da smo samozavestne, optimistične, prepričane vase, hkrati pa še vedno empatične in razumevajoče. Lahko noč!

// Red is a strong colour. It's associated with passion, love, energy, action. To people with low self-esteem a red colour gives courage and suppresses shame. Certainly there is something special in a red colour. Women who wear red dress indicate some kind of power and courage, too. And because the colour is strong by itself, the dress should have a pretty simple cut. The dress is simple, tight, it's not open and not to short. It exposes shoulders, which I like very much at the moment.  That dress's style is probably worn by women with high self-esteem, who don't mind to show their body. And we are talking again about self-esteem. No matter if we wear this dress or not, it is important that we have high self-esteem, are optimistic, are convinced, but on the other hand we should still be empathic and understanding. Good night!



Ne morem verjeti, da pišem že dvajseto objavo! Izbrala sem dolgo belo obleko. Je že tretja poročna obleka na blogu. Opažam, da zadnje čase ponovno rada rišem dolge, elegantne obleke. Zanimivo se mi zdi risati blago, plasti blaga in vse sence, ki se ustvarjajo pri tem. Seveda se še vedno učim to narisati čim bolj realistično. Obleka je v zgornjem delu oprijeta, na zgornjem delu nog pa se začne razširjati. Zgornji del je precej preprost in gladek, spodnji pa je iz tila različnih dolžin. Takšen kroj oblek mi je zelo všeč, saj ravno prav poudari ženske obline.

// I can't believe, that I'm writing my 20th post! I chose a long white dress. It's the third wedding dress on my blog. For a couple of weeks now, I really like to draw long, elegant dresses. I find it very interesting to draw textiles, textile's layers and all of the shadows which participate with it. I am still learning how to draw this even more realistically, of course. The dress is tight in the upper part, but at the upper part of the legs it starts to broaden. The upper part is pretty simple and smooth, the lower part is from different lengths of tulle. I like that kind of cut, because it stresses women's curves. 



Objavljam še tretji zemljevid, ki je bil narisan z enakim namenom kot prva dva, torej iskanje zaklada v otroški igralnici (tukaj in tukaj). Kot se hitro opazi, je ta na tematiko piratov. Danes objavljam nekoliko krajše besedilo, saj moram urediti še neke druge stvari, ki me čakajo. Uživaj miren večer!

// I am publishing the third map, which I drew with the same purpose as other two (here and here). It was created for a treasure hunting game in the children's playroom. As you can see, the map is pirate themed. Today the published text is a bit shorter, because some other things came up today. I hope you have a nice and calm evening! 



Praznik velike noči doživljam podobno kot ostale praznike. Ni tako pomembno ali se verjame v to okrog česar je nastal praznik ali ne, pomembno se mi zdi, da smo skupaj z ljudmi, s katerimi smo najbolj povezani. Ljudje imamo takrat navadno več časa za druženje in pogovarjanje. V tem vidim največjo vrednost praznikov. Žalostno pa je, ko se to pogosto izkorišča v komercialne namene z željo po zaslužku. Nekaj tednov pred veliko nočjo poštne nabiralnike že polnijo oglasi z velikonočno ponudbo. Od šunke pa vse do čokoladnih zajčkov, jajčk in igrač. Tega res ne maram. Tudi, ko prideš v trgovino ne moreš spregledati vseh jajc in zajcev. V navalu nakupovanja se nihče ne vpraša po prvotnem namenu praznika in pomenu praznikov na sploh. Ni potrebno, da se najemo za naprej in nazaj, saj če smo pošteni, trgovine bodo obstajale tudi naslednje dni, torej ni skrbi zaradi lakote. Sledi začarani krog, saj po praznikih navadno stopijo na plano raznorazni prehranski strokovnjaki in guruji, ki svetujejo razna prehranska dopolnila, razstrupljanje telesa in podobno. In sledijo novi prazniki in ponovno nasveti "strokovnjakov". In tako je vedno znova. Sami se odločimo, kaj bomo pojedli in koliko, zato razmišljajmo v naprej. Upam, da lepo preživljaš proste dni, prigrizneš tudi kaj dobrega, predvsem pa ti želim, da se imaš lepo z ljudmi, ki te obdajajo!

// For me feast of the Easter is just like any of the other holidays. It is not so important if you believe in stories behind of why this day is a feast or not, but I think that it is important to be with people with whom you are connected the most. During this days people normally have more time to be with each other and more time for chat. It seems to me, that this is the biggest value of the holidays. On the other hand it is very sad that a lot of people and organizations exploit this time for commercial intentions with a common desire to make profit. Few weeks before Easter a lot of  leaflet advertisements linked to Easter come to our letter boxes.   Everything from ham to the chocolate Easter bunnies, eggs and toys are in them. I really don't like this. And when you come to the grocery store you just can't overlook all the big chocolate eggs and the bunnies. During all those Ester's rush no one questions himself/herself what this holiday even primary means or what holidays in general mean to us. It is not necessary to eat a lot of food well before and after the holidays, because you know, supermarkets will be there even after the holidays are over, so you don't have to worry about hunger. After that follows the magic circle because a lot of nutritionists and gurus come to light and they suggest dietary supplements,  detoxification of the body and so on. After this follows the other, yearly holidays and there are again different experts for food waiting for their turn. And this happens again and again. We are the ones who decide what we will eat and how much and therefore think in advance. I hope that you have a nice holiday, eat good and above all I wish you to have a good time with people around you! 



Veliko deklet ali žensk si želi obleči dolgo belo obleko enkrat v življenju. Nekaterim uspe, nekatere si jo oblečejo večkrat, druge pa nikoli. Kakorkoli, pomlad me spominja tudi na čas porok, saj se v tem obdobju število le-teh poveča. Narisana bela obleka je elegantna, dolga in vseeno ravno prav seksi. Te tri besede dobro opišejo tudi obleko, kakršno bi si izbrala sama, če bi bila pred to odločitvijo. Sprva sem mislila, da bom celotno risbo senčila zgolj s svinčniki. Začela sem z obleko in se med tem odločila, da bom ostalo pobarvala z barvicami. Dodala bi še to, da obleka žal ni moja zamisel. Z ilustracijo sem zelo zadovoljna. Upam, da bo navdihnila tudi koga izmed vas za to življenjsko odločitev.  

// A lot of girls or women have a wish to dress that white and long dress once in a lifetime. For some of them the wish comes true, some wears it more then once, others never. However, spring reminds me of the wedding time, because at that time the number of weddings increases. The white dress which I draw is elegant, long and it is just right sexy. Those three words very well describe the dress which I would chose, if I would be at that point in my life. At first I thought to just shade all the drawing with only pencils. I started with the dress and during that time I decided to colour the rest with the coloured pencils. I would like to say that unfortunately this dress is not my own idea. I am satisfied with how the illustration came out. I hope that it will inspire some of you for this life decision.