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Usnje, črna barva, enostavnost. To so trije pojmi, ki so ta čas precej popularni v modi. Za nekatere ilustracije se hitro opazi, da so izpred leta ali dveh, saj sem sedaj v obdobju, ko so mi najbolj všeč črna in bela barva ter jeans. Vseeno se mi zdi škoda izpustiti določene risbe za objavo, saj ni nič narobe z njimi. Verjamem tudi, da je tu marsikdo, ki ima rad žive in močne barve, kakršne so uporabljene na risbi.

 // Leather, black colour, simplicity. These are the three notions, which are the most popular in fashion world now. You can quickly find out, that some of the illustrations aren't the newest. In this period I like the most black and white colours and also the colour of jeans. However it seems pity to me, to skip some of them, because nothing is wrong with them. And I believe there are some of you, who like bright and strong colours, which were used on this drawing. 

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