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Sprehajala sem se po mestu. Veseli december je že razodeval vse svoje čare. Žareče lučke sijejo z okoliških dreves in stavb. Nekaj lučk so spretni delavci postavili tudi nad trge in ulice. Vse je videti čarobno in pravljično. Iz majhnih lesenih hišic vije vonj po čaju in kuhanem vinu. Vonj cimeta, klinčkov in vsega sladkega. Opazujem ljudi. Videti so srečni, zadovoljni in veseli. Družijo se. Nekateri pari se držijo za roke, se poljubljajo in si v ušesa šepečejo besede, ki so namenjene samo drug drugemu. Nekateri so v družbi prijateljev. Veselo se pogovarjajo, obujajo skupne doživete trenutke in se na vsake toliko glasno zasmejijo v en glas. Morali so doživeti res nekaj lepega! Ko pogledam v izložbe vidim lučke v notranjosti trgovin, ljudi, ki se motajo med policami in oglase, kaj vse lahko kupimo svojim najbližjim in najdražjim. Ja, veseli december je v polnem zamahu! Na ulici zagledam tudi mlado žensko, ki se drži mladega moškega.  Lepo sta urejena in videti zaljubljena. Pri punci vidim, da je vijoličen plašček nekoliko preveč napet. Pod srcem nosi novo bitje, otročička, ki je sad njune ljubezni. Veseli me, da sta videti srečna, zadovoljna in zaljubljena drug v drugega in v življenje. Oči se jima svetijo od ponosa in vseh lučk v bližini. Pomislim na moje prijateljice, ki so rodile oziroma so že/še v pričakovanju. V mislih vsem, zaželim srečo, da so ljubljene in njihovi otročički zdravi. Sama pa vseeno pomislim, da zame še ni ta čas in bom raje nekaj časa še ostala v obliki v kateri sem sedaj.  Za druge občutke in trenutke imam še čas.

// I was walking down the street. Happy December already revealed all its charms. Glowing lights shining from the trees and buildings around me. Some of this Christmas lights and Christmas illuminations  are placed above the squares and streets. Skilled workers set all this beautiful images.  Everything seems magical and fairy. From small wooden houses meandering smell of tea and mulled wine. The smell of cinnamon, cloves, and all sweet. I'm watching people. They look satisfied and happy. They are hanging out. Some couples holding hands, kissing and whisper words in the ears,  that are intended only to each other. Some of people are in the group of friends. They are talking cheerful, restoring common experience, and every once they all together laugh loud. Probably they experienced something really nice! When I look through the shop window I see lights inside the stores, people who potter around the shelves and ads about what you can buy to your nearest and dearest. Yeah, happy December is in full swing! On the street I see a young woman who hold a young man. They are well-dressed  and I can feel love between them. I notice that girl's purple coat is a bit too tight. Under her heart grows a new creature, the baby, who  is the result of their love. I am pleased that they look happy, satisfied and in love with each other and with life. Them eyes shine with pride and from all the lights in the nearness. I think to all my girlfriends who gave birth or they  are already / still expecting. In my mind I wish everyone, good luck to be loved and their babies healthy. However I think that for me is not this time, yet.  I will rather stay in the "form" in which I am now . I have still time for this other feelings and moments. 

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