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Danes bi rada z vami delila še eno risbo, ki je nastala pred kratkim. Ta je druga v seriji zemljevidov za iskanje zaklada v otroški igralnici. Na prvi so vključena igrala precej očitna. Na tem zemljevidu pa je vse skupaj bolj skrito in mora otrok oziroma skupina otrok bolj razmisliti, kaj predstavlja posamezna enota zemljevida. Kot lahko vidiš, je tematika tega zemljevida bolj v smeri princes in princev. Veselim se že, da bom videla otroke, ki uporabljajo ta zemljevid. Zagotovo se bo v praksi pokazalo, kaj jim je razumljivo in kaj nekoliko manj. Razlike bodo tudi glede na starost in ostale trenutne dejavnike.
Ob pisanju zgornjih vrstic pa sem pomislila tudi na splošno iskanje nečesa, kar ljudje pogosto delamo. Pogosto iščemo nekaj, čeprav ne vemo vedno točno kaj.  Včasih pridemo do iskanega ˝zaklada˝ po lepi in enostavni poti, včasih pa potrebujemo kar nekaj časa, kar nekaj namigov in predvsem volje, da pridemo do njega. Menim, da takšni ˝zakladi˝ niso nikoli v materialni obliki. Pravi ˝zakladi˝ so naša sreča, biti ljubljen in ljubiti, (se) sprejemati, (se) spoštovati, blagostanje (well-being), zdravje, zadovoljstvo in podobno. Upam, da vsak od vas čim bolj uspešno išče takšne zaklade in ne hlepi zgolj po materialni dobrobiti.

// Today I would like to share with you one more drawing, which rose not that long ago. This one is the second one in the series of the treasure hunting maps for a game in a children playroom. In the first one the playsets were pretty obvious. On this one everything is somehow more hidden so the child or group of children have to think a little more to figure out what each of the units represents. As you can see, the base theme of that map is something about a princesses and princes. I am looking forward to see children who will actually use this map. Certainly, it will be shown in practice what they understand and where they may have some difficulties. Differences will probably depend on age and other factors.

When I was writing the above lines I thought that we all are often looking for something. Often we are searching for something, but we don't actually know what it is exactly.  Sometimes we find the ˝treasure˝ we have been looking for with a nice and easy way but sometimes we need a lot of time, a lot of hints and above all a lot of will to come to it. I think that such ˝treasures˝ are never in a material form. Real ˝treasures˝ are our happiness, love and being loved, self acceptance and accepting others, self respect and respecting others, well-being, health, satisfaction and alike. I hope that every one  of you is successfully searching for  that kind of treasures and not material goods. 



Tudi današnja slika je v sivinah, narisana zgolj s svinčniki. Lahko bi jo asociirali tudi z današnjim vremenom, ki je bilo prav podobno. Nebo je bilo večinoma sivo in manjkale niso niti dežne kaplje. Risbe, ki so nastale nekaj časa nazaj navadno nekoliko analiziram. To se mi sploh ne zdi slaba ideja, saj se tako lahko samo izboljšam. Na risbi sem se predvsem posvetila senčenju obraza. Če bi jo risala še enkrat, bi se zagotovo malo več časa zadržala pri risanju las. Kot celota pa vseeno deluje dobro. Mogoče kdo prepozna osebo na sliki?

// Today's illustration is only in shades of grey. Only pencils were used. We can asociate it with today's weather, because it was pretty much the same. The sky was almost entire in grey and there were also some rain drops. One thing I often do is that I analize my drawings, which were made some time ago. I find out that by doing so, I can become a better drawer. I spend a lot of time on face's shading. If I draw this once again, I will certainly dedicate a little more time on the hair part of the illustration. As a whole, it seems to me that it's well made. Maybe is there someone, who recognize this girl?

                          (Skener žal popači sivine. //Scanner distorts shades.)



Sem oseba, ki ljubi poletje, sonce in dolge dni. Ljubim vonj sveže pokošene trave (še posebej tiste prvič), zvoke ptic in žuželk, ki neutrudljivo izvajajo svoj vrhunski koncert. Vesela sem, da je pomlad, saj to pomeni, da se bližamo najlepšemu delu leta. Pravzaprav smo že skoraj tu, saj mi je tudi ta, uvodni del močno pri srcu. Rada imam pomladansko sonce, zavedam pa se, da mora biti na vsake toliko časa tudi deževno vreme, tako kot danes. Včasih se mi zdi, da dež izvabi iz nas posebne občutke. Sama sem ob takem vremenu pogosto polna navdihov in idej, kaj vse bi lahko naredila. In ne ostane vedno samo pri idejah. Ko sem doma, mi daje dež občutek umirjenosti in sprostitve. In ker nas dež pogosto asociira na sivo barvo, sem za današnjo objavo izbrala risbo, ki je ustvarjena samo s svinčniki. Uporabila sem svinčnike različne trdote – različni H-ji, B-ji in HB. Ugotavljam, da se rada posvetim ustvarjanju oblik samo s svinčniki. Seveda pa se še učim, kar pomeni, da se bodo tudi moje risbe še izboljšale. Upam!

// I am one of the people, who loves summer, the hot sun and the long summer days. I love the smell of the freshly cut grass (especialy when it is mowed for the first time in a season), sound of birds and insects, which tirelessly perform their topmost concert. I am happy, that spring is here, because that means, that the most beautiful time of the year is coming. We are already here, actually, because I love this "introductive" time as well.  I love the spring's sun, but at the same time I am aware that there will be some rainy days, too, like the one today. Sometimes I think, that the rainy weather elicitis some special feelings from us. During that kind of weather I have a lot of inspiration and ideas. It doesn't always stay with only the idea. When I am at home, rain gives me a feeling of calmness and relaxation. And because most of us associate rain with the grey colour, I used only pencils for today's sketch. I used pencils in different hardness – different H's, B's and HB. I actually found out, that I like to draw and create various forms with only pencils. I am still learning, which means that my drawing's skills should be slowly improving each time. So I hope!



S črno barvo naj bi izražali strah pred nečim. V črni barvi naj bi se skrivali in bili nekako zavarovani pred zunanjim svetom. Sama povezujem črno barvo tudi s preprostostjo in eleganco hkrati. Vsekakor pa ta barva ni primerna za vsa področja. Sama jo najpogosteje uporabljam pri oblačilih in dodatkih.

// It is said that with a black colour you express fear. It is also said that dressed in a black colour we are hiding and at the same time we are somehow protected from the outside world. I personally link the black colour with simplicity and elegance. In any case, the black colour is not appropriate for just anything. I personally use the black colour for dresses and various accessories.    



Danes sem se udeležila teka, ki poveže dva čudovita dela slovenske obale – soline. Traso sem pretekla drugič, prvič leta 2013. Tekla sem veliko bolje in dosegla 10. mesto med ženskami. Priznam, da sem ponosna na letošnji rezultat. V njem se odraža kar nekaj pretečenih kilometrov in drugih vadb. Tek in vadba mi zagotovo dajeta tisto nekaj, kar me dela bolj vztrajno, bolj pozitivno in bolj srečno. Tudi vreme mi je bilo pisano na kožo, saj je bilo sončno s prijetnimi pomladanskimi temperaturami.
Risba, ki jo objavljam danes sicer nima neke velike povezave s tekom, je pa zelo sveža, saj je nastala pred dvema dnevoma. Prikazuje načrt za igro iskanja zaklada v eni izmed otroških igralnic. Načrtu je potrebno vrisati še pot, po kateri so bo iskalo zaklad. Ilustracijo objavljam, ker je nekaj čisto nasprotnega, kar rišem navadno in mi je bil svojevrsten izziv. Ugotovila sem, da moram pogosteje narisati še kaj drugega, saj tako dobim več motivacije za risanje. Zanimivo se je bilo posvetiti tudi vsem detajlom, senčenju ipd.

// Today I was running in a race, which links two beautiful spots of Slovenian seaside – saltpans. I ran this route for the second time, firstly in 2013. This time I was running much faster and I scored a 10th place in  women category. I am pretty proud of that result. It reflects my dedication to run and working out a lot, so this is the result.  Runing and working out gives me something, that makes me more enduring, more positive and happier. The weather was perfect, It was sunny and the temperatures were plesently spring alike.

Today's illustration have nothing to do with running, actually. But it is brand new, because I draw it two days ago. It represents a map for  a treasure hunting game in one of the children's playrooms. The map doesn't containg the path for searching, yet. I posted this drawing beacause it is something totally different from that what I usually draw. It was a unique challenge for me. I found out that I have to draw more often something different, because that gives me a whole new motivation for drawing. It was interesting to draw all of the details, the shading etc. 



To risbo sem narisala pred več kot dvema letoma. Spomnim se, da sem bila precej ponosna na njo, saj je kar dodelana. Pravzaprav se mi tudi danes ne zdi slaba. Prevladuje pa barva v kateri je mojih oblačil zelo malo. Zanimivo je, kako hitro se lahko spreminja posameznikov stil oblačenja in kaj vse vpliva na to. Velik vpliv ima seveda spreminjajoča se moda in posledično, kaj lahko dobiš v trgovinah. Vse to pa v zadnjem času oblikujejo slavni ljudje in modni blogerji. Tudi sama jih spremljam kar nekaj. Prav to so osebe, ki imajo v ozadju modne industrije pomembno vlogo. Le ti odločajo, kaj se bo nosilo in kaj ne. Ni čudno, da smo vsi tako zelo uniformirani, čeprav mislimo, da sploh nismo.

// I did this drawing more than two years ago. I remember, that I was pretty proud of it, because it was rather good. Even today I still like it. The main colour used in the illustration is the one that I don't wear often. It is interesting how fast a personal style can change and what kind of factors have an impact on it. The biggest impact is definitely the fast changing fashion world that influences what kind of clothes you can get in stores. Fashion is formed by celebrities and fashion bloggers. I follow a few of them. Actually these people are the main shapers of fashion in the background of fashion industry. They determine what we will wear and what not. It's no wonder that we are so uniformed, although we think, we are not. 



Danes je mednarodni dan žena.
"Je dan praznovanja ekonomskepolitične in socialne enakopravnosti in dosežkov žensk, praznujejo pa ga predvsem v bivših komunističnih in socialističnih državah.
Upam, da smo vse ženske sveta imele čudovit dan. In naj tako ostane tudi naslednje dni oziroma celo leto. Sama sem preživela dan umirjeno in lepo. Dopoldansko druženje pri prijateljici, dobro kosilo in delovno popoldne. Tudi vreme je bilo sončno z okusom pomladi. Nekatera sadna drevesa se že razkazujejo v zgodnjepomladanski lepoti z belimi in nežno roza cvetki.  Spodaj objavljeno ilustracijo sem izbrala prav z mislim na pomlad in cvetenje, saj me obleka spominja na odpirajoči se cvet.

// Today is the international women's day. "In different regions the focus of the celebrations ranges from general celebration of respect, appreciation, and love towards women to a celebration for women's economic, political, and social achievements. Started as a Socialist political event, the holiday blended the culture of many countries, primarily in Europe, especially those in the Soviet Bloc.
I hope, that all women aroud the World have a beautiful day. And I hope that it will last the entire year. I had a peaceful and beautiful day. In the morning I was at my friend's house, then I had a good lunch and then the working afternoon followed. The weather was sunny with a tiny taste of spring. Some fruit trees are already exhibiting in their early-spring's beauty with white and softly pink little blossoms. I selected today's illustration, with thoughts on the spring time and blossoming, because this dress reminds me of an opening flower. 



Pomlad je čas pomembnih odločitev. Prebuja se narava in prebujajo se naša srca. Ker narava postaja bolj prijazna in romantična, naše razpoloženje pa bolj optimistično, se najbrž tudi veliko zaljubljenih in manj zaljubljenih odloči, da bi imeli poroko prav v tem prebujajočem se letnem času. Spodnja risba je nastala prav z mislijo na ta poseben in enkraten (takšen naj bi vsaj bil) dogodek. Imejte se radi!

// Spring is time for important decisions. Nature is waking up and so are our hearts. The nature is getting more kind and romantic, our mood more optimistic. Because of that a lot of enamoured and less enamoured people decide to get married in this awakening season. The illustration beneath originated with thought from this special and single (it's suppose to be like that) event. Love yourself and others!



Ljudje imamo veliko napak. Mislim, da so se te napake v nas oblikovale skozi čas in niso prisotne že od vsega začetka. Ena izmed napak je zagotovo tudi negativnost in pomanjkanje hvaležnosti. Hvaležni smo lahko za življenje, ki ga imamo. Marsikdo izmed nas bi lahko bil hvaležen. Izogibati se moramo razmišljanja, kaj vse nam manjka in bi radi imeli. Če pomisliš bolje, na ta način pogosto razmišljamo predvsem okrog materialnih dobrin. Hvaležni smo lahko za čudovito naravo, kjer živimo, za dogodke, ki so se nam zgodili v življenju. Verjamem, da so se marsikomu zgodile stvari, za katere bi na prvi pogled z gotovostjo lahko trdili, da smo za to težko hvaležni. Navadno pa kasneje pridemo do spoznanja, da so tudi nekoliko bolj negativni dogodki pravzaprav pozitivno vplivali na naše življenje. Spremenili smo se sami, prišli do kakšnega pomembnega spoznanja ali pa na sploh zaživeli boljše in bolj polno življenje. Zanimivo pa je tudi to, da ko se zaveš hvaležnosti, odrineš stran negativne misli. Vsi bi potrebovali več pozitivnega mišljenja in več hvaležnosti za vsakdanje malenkosti.

// People have a lot of mistakes. I believe, that all those mistakes develop in us through time and are not there from the very beginning. One of those is certainly negativity and lack of gratitude. We should have gratitude for the life we have. Many of us should be thankfulness. We should avoid thinking about what we don't have and what we want to have. We often think in that way about material goods. We can be grateful for the beautiful nature that we live in, for the events that have happened in our life. I believe that each of us at some point went through some events that at first sight didn't seem very positive but we should be grateful for them. We often become aware of those negative events later on, discovering that they were actually positive. We have changed ourselves, came to some important cognition or just started to live better and a more fulfilling life. What is interesting is that when you start to be conscious about gratitude, you stop being so negative. We all need to be more positive thinking and more thankfulness for everyday trifles.