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Tu je del leta, ki je najbolj magičen. Med ljudmi vlada neka posebna energija. Zdi se mi, da smo bolj strpni drug do drugega, se imamo bolj radi in si bolj radodarno poklanjamo prijetne občutke. Edino, kar me v tem času resnično žalosti, so polni nakupovalni centri ljudi, ki mrzlično nakupujejo še zadnje malenkosti, za katere mislijo, da jih nujno potrebujejo.  Ali res potrebujemo vse to? Ali ni dovolj že to, da se imamo radi med seboj, da smo si naklonjeni in prijazni drug z drugim? Mar ni dovolj že samo čas, ki ga bomo preživeli z najbližjimi? Božič je čas, ko se lahko povezujemo, je čas za družino in usmeritev vase, v svoj notranji svet. Ves blišč in hitenje nam le kvari možnost umiritve in poglobitve vase. 25. december ima pomembno vlogo tudi v povezavi z našo najbližjo zvezdo, Soncem, saj se le to začne pomikati nazaj proti severu. Starodavne civilizacije so to pojmovale kot ponovno rojstvo Sonca. Ljudje so bili včasih veliko bolj povezani z naravo in so to zagotovo doživljali močneje. Današnji človek je oropan teh doživetij. Pravzaprav smo se jih oropali sami. Če le natančneje prisluhnemo in se nekoliko poglobimo vase, mislim, da lahko ponovno čutimo in živimo z naravo. Lep in miren božič ti želim!

// Here is the part of the year, which is the most magical. Among the people exist some special energy. It seems to me that we are more tolerant to each other, we love each other more and more generously give pleasant feelings to others. The only thing it makes me sad are shopping centers  full of people who shop with feverish haste until the last little things, they think that they desperately need. Do we really need all this? Is it not already enough that we love each other, that we are kind to and friendly with each other? Is it not enough just the time that we spend with loved ones? Christmas is a time when we can connect, it's time for our family and our focus on inner world. All the brilliance and haste  only ruin the possibility of slowdown and deepening in ourselves. December 25th  has an important role also in relation to our nearest star, the Sun, because it just starts to move back to north. Ancient civilizations understood that as the rebirth of the Sun. People were much more connected to nature and felt this changes more  powerful. Today's man is deprived of these experiences. In fact, we have robbed ourselves. If we only listen more accurately and slightly deepen in ourselves, I think we can feel and live with nature again. I wish you a beautiful and peaceful Christmas!



Včasih nekateri ljudje vstopijo v naša življenja tako nepričakovano. Vstopijo tako usodno, da ti naenkrat pomenijo veliko, morda celo preveč. Prižgejo iskrice v naših najtemnejših delih, kjer je že nekaj časa vse temno in pusto. Ali se to zgodi zaradi vsakdanjega dolgčasa in rutine ali zaradi posebne energije, ki jo nosijo s sabo? Odgovora ne vem. V teh trenutkih se zgodi tisto nekaj, kar imamo vsi radi in si vsi želimo. Vsi si želimo biti ljubljeni, spoštovani in priznani s strani nekoga drugega. Občasno pa se ta sveža občutja (pre)hitro zaključijo. Takrat si želimo, da se to sploh ne bi zgodilo in bi se življenje vrnilo nazaj na stare tirnice. Hkrati pa se naše misli še vedno vračajo nazaj na te lepe trenutke in si te želijo spoznati še enkrat.

// Sometimes some people come in our lives so unexpectedly. They come in so fatal, and they suddenely mean a lot to you, maybe even too much. They light sparkles in the darkest parts of us, where everything is some time already dark and deserted. Is this happen beacaus of everyday monotony and rutine or beacuase of some special energy they have? I don't know the answer. But this moment give us something what we all love and wish. We all want to be loved, respected and being confessed by someone else. occasionally those beautiful fresh feelings end (too) soon.  Than we hope that this wouldn't happen and we want our life return back to the old track. But at the same time our thoughts keep return to those beautiful moments and want to meet you again. 



Sprehajala sem se po mestu. Veseli december je že razodeval vse svoje čare. Žareče lučke sijejo z okoliških dreves in stavb. Nekaj lučk so spretni delavci postavili tudi nad trge in ulice. Vse je videti čarobno in pravljično. Iz majhnih lesenih hišic vije vonj po čaju in kuhanem vinu. Vonj cimeta, klinčkov in vsega sladkega. Opazujem ljudi. Videti so srečni, zadovoljni in veseli. Družijo se. Nekateri pari se držijo za roke, se poljubljajo in si v ušesa šepečejo besede, ki so namenjene samo drug drugemu. Nekateri so v družbi prijateljev. Veselo se pogovarjajo, obujajo skupne doživete trenutke in se na vsake toliko glasno zasmejijo v en glas. Morali so doživeti res nekaj lepega! Ko pogledam v izložbe vidim lučke v notranjosti trgovin, ljudi, ki se motajo med policami in oglase, kaj vse lahko kupimo svojim najbližjim in najdražjim. Ja, veseli december je v polnem zamahu! Na ulici zagledam tudi mlado žensko, ki se drži mladega moškega.  Lepo sta urejena in videti zaljubljena. Pri punci vidim, da je vijoličen plašček nekoliko preveč napet. Pod srcem nosi novo bitje, otročička, ki je sad njune ljubezni. Veseli me, da sta videti srečna, zadovoljna in zaljubljena drug v drugega in v življenje. Oči se jima svetijo od ponosa in vseh lučk v bližini. Pomislim na moje prijateljice, ki so rodile oziroma so že/še v pričakovanju. V mislih vsem, zaželim srečo, da so ljubljene in njihovi otročički zdravi. Sama pa vseeno pomislim, da zame še ni ta čas in bom raje nekaj časa še ostala v obliki v kateri sem sedaj.  Za druge občutke in trenutke imam še čas.

// I was walking down the street. Happy December already revealed all its charms. Glowing lights shining from the trees and buildings around me. Some of this Christmas lights and Christmas illuminations  are placed above the squares and streets. Skilled workers set all this beautiful images.  Everything seems magical and fairy. From small wooden houses meandering smell of tea and mulled wine. The smell of cinnamon, cloves, and all sweet. I'm watching people. They look satisfied and happy. They are hanging out. Some couples holding hands, kissing and whisper words in the ears,  that are intended only to each other. Some of people are in the group of friends. They are talking cheerful, restoring common experience, and every once they all together laugh loud. Probably they experienced something really nice! When I look through the shop window I see lights inside the stores, people who potter around the shelves and ads about what you can buy to your nearest and dearest. Yeah, happy December is in full swing! On the street I see a young woman who hold a young man. They are well-dressed  and I can feel love between them. I notice that girl's purple coat is a bit too tight. Under her heart grows a new creature, the baby, who  is the result of their love. I am pleased that they look happy, satisfied and in love with each other and with life. Them eyes shine with pride and from all the lights in the nearness. I think to all my girlfriends who gave birth or they  are already / still expecting. In my mind I wish everyone, good luck to be loved and their babies healthy. However I think that for me is not this time, yet.  I will rather stay in the "form" in which I am now . I have still time for this other feelings and moments. 



V meglenih dneh, ki so bili stalnica zadnjih nekaj dni, ni bilo videti prav veliko barv. Vseeno pa zato ni potrebno, da smo tudi sami otožni in sivega razpoloženja. V kratkih in sivih dneh se lahko več posvetimo drug drugemu in sami sebi. Čas lahko namenimo tudi urejanju notranjih prostorov, še posebej, če v njih preživimo veliko časa.
Tokratna ilustracija je ilustracija modela z modne revije Victoria's Secret izpred nekaj let. Pritegnile so me barve in ljubkost. Kljub temu, da je precej gola (kako pa naj bi bilo drugače, če znamka predstavlja spodnje perilo), me spominja na hladne poznojesenske in zimske večere, ko se toplo oblečemo v pletena oblačila, se udobno namestimo na kavč s skodelico toplega čaja in se pogovarjamo z našimi bližnjimi.

// Last few days have been really foggy and we could't see a lot of colours. This doesn't necessary mean, that we are melanholic. In this short and grey days we should devote to each other and to ourselfs. We should spend some time for make tidy interior, too. I think this is pretty important, especially if we spend a lot of time in it.
This illustration represents a model from Victoria's Secret few years ago. I like the colours and prettiness. Although she is pretty naked (how could it be otherwise, if the trade mark presents underwear), reminds me of the cold late autumn and winter evenings, when we put on warm knitted clothes, find some comfortable position on the couch with a cup of hot tea and talk with our loved ones.



Ne morem verjeti … Samo še 54 dni in tukaj bo 31. december in konec leta 2015. Danes je bilo tako sončno in toplo, da se mi najdaljša noč v letu sploh še ne zdi blizu. Letos je jesen zelo prijetna. Veliko je sončnih dni in tudi pretiranega mraza še ni bilo. Narava nas tokrat zelo počasi pripravlja na hladnejše dni. Barve jesenskega listja so se imele čas razkazati v vsej svoji razsežnosti. Tudi današnja objava je nekako v jesenskih barvah v videzu 60-ih let. Kadar raziskujem modo in trende preteklih časov, se vedno nekako ustavim v teh letih. Kroji so preprosti in ženstveni. Opaziti je veliko barv ali pa zgolj preproste črno-bele kombinacije. Še dobro, da se moda ponavlja.

// I can't believe … It's just 54 days to 31st of December and to the end of the year 2015. But today was really sunny and warm and it doesn't seem to me that the longest night of the year is so close. This year is autumn so pleasant. There were a lot of sunny days as well as real cold days haven't been there, yet. The nature preparing us really slowly to colder days. The colors of autumn leaves have had time to show in all dimensions. Also, today's announcement is somewhat in autumn colors and represent appearance of the 60's. When I explore fashion and trends of past times, I always stop in 60's. There were a lot of colours or only simple black and white styles. Thankfully the fashion repeats itself.



V Sloveniji uradno ne praznujemo noči čarovnic. Seveda pa je vpliv globalizacije in hlepenje za vsem ameriškim prinesel tudi sem praznovanje tega dne/noči. Trgovine so polno založene z okrasnimi bučami iz različnih materialov, ostalimi okraski in seveda kostumi. Danes pa najbrž potekajo tudi številne zabave. Torej, vsem tistim, ki praznujete, veselo noč čarovnic!

// In our country, Slovenia, we don't celebrate Halloween officially. But of course the impact of globalization and yearn after all from US bring here this, too. Stores are fully stocked with decorative pumpkins of different materials, other Halloween decorations and of course, costumes. So, to all those who celebrate, happy Halloween!



Da ni jesen samo rumena, oranžna, rdeča in rjava, sem ji dodala nekaj roza barve. Če imamo en kos oblačila tako poseben oziroma izstopajoč, kot je narisan plašč, je pomembno, da so ostala oblačila v bolj preprostih in umirjenih barvah. Črna skupaj z roza se mi zdi zelo klasična in preverjena kombinacija. Bolj živahno jesensko kombinacijo objavljam ravno pravi čas, saj prihajajo bolj sončni dnevi. Uživaj v jesenskem soncu, ogrni se v nekaj pisanega in natakni si očala skozi katera vidiš svet lepše.

// That there are not only yellow, orange, red and brown colours, I added some pink. If we have one piece, such as this pink coat, so special and outstanding, other clothing should be more simple and subdued colours. Black with pink seems to me pretty classic and checked combination. I have published this vivid autumn combination at the right time, because here comes the sun again. Enjoy the autumn sun, put on something gaily coloured and some glasses through which you see world more beautiful. 



Sem ena izmed tistih, ki ne marajo jeseni, ampak letos se je nekaj spremenilo. Pred nekaj dnevi sem gledala skozi okno, s skodelico sveže pripravljenega čaja v rokah in pogled mi je bil pravzaprav všeč. Bilo je megleno in nekaj drevesnih listov se je že odelo v rumene in oranžne tone. Prevel me je občutek udobja in topline. Priznati moram, da mi je za zdaj letošnja jesen všeč. Tudi v najinem stanovanju sem že poskrbela za jesensko okrasitev z nekaj bučami in jesenskim listjem. Nameravam kupiti tudi nekaj sveč z vonjem po cimetu, pomarančah ali kaj podobno jesenskega. Včeraj je bil tudi dan za risanje. Ilustracija je dodana spodaj, kot ponavadi. Všeč mi je ta kombinacija! Popolna se mi zdi za prave jesenske meglene dni, saj vanje prinese nekaj barve. Imej lepo soboto!

// I am not admirer of the autumn, but this year something has changed. Few days ago I was looking through the window with a cup of hot tea, and I liked the view. It was a foggy and some of the leaves were yellow and orange already. It was just give me the feeling of cosiness and warmth. So this days I actually like autumn so far. I did some autumn decorations in our flat, with pumpkins and colourful leaves. I'm going to buy some scented candles of cinnamon, orange and something like that. I don't know but I just like it this year. Yesterday was a day for drawing, too. I drew this illustration down below. I love this style! I find it perfect for foggy days, just to bring some colours in it. Have a beautiful Saturday!



Večina ljudi se med sabo primerja. Druge ocenijo kot boljše ali slabše v primerjavi s sabo ali drugimi. Pogosti dejavnik primerjave je zunanjost. Ljudje opazujemo drug druge in razmišljamo in/ali komentiramo njihov tip telesne zgradbe, način oblačenja, pričesko, ličenje, obnašanje itd. Seznam je lahko neskončen. Redko kdo je takšen, ki tega ne počne. In edino tako je prav. Nihče nima pravice ocenjevati drugih po teh lastnostih. Pravzaprav ni nihče boljši in nihče slabši, ker smo si vsi med sabo zelo podobni. Žal so tudi teme pogovorov med ljudmi pogosto zgolj in samo o omenjenih stvareh. Več bi se morali pogovarjati o naših razmišljanjih, videnjih določenih stvari, ki se nam dogajajo, o naših občutkih in na sploh več o nas samih in naši osebni rasti in razvoju. Imamo se za zelo razvita bitja, pa tega žal ne dokazujemo prav pogosto.

// A lot of people compare oneself with others. They judge other people as better or worse then they see themselves. The main factor of comparison is often appearance. We observe each other and thinking about or comment their body type, style, hairstyle, make up, behaviour and so on. This list can be endless. There are only few of people who don't do this. And only this way is right. Nobody has the right to evaluate other for these attributes. As a matter of fact no one is better or worse, because we are all the same.  Unfortunately, the talks between human beings are often strict and purely on these things. We have to think and talk more about our thoughts, different aspects of the same theme, about our feelings and in general about us and our personal growth and development. We think, we are highly developed creatures, but unfortunately this is not proving very often.



Poletje se poslavlja, vendar ga še ni povsem konec. Z zavedanjem tega izkoriščam še zadnje dneve za misel na morje in kopalke. Črne kopalke so nekaj najbolj osnovnega, podobno kot mala črna oblekica, črne hlače in črni salonarji. Klasični kosi, ki nam navadno pridejo prav. Kako izpadejo pa je seveda odvisno od modela. Narisane kopalke so moderne, nekaj med eno- in dvodelnimi. Upam, da letos ujamem še kak topel dan za skok v kopalke.

// Summer is saying goodbye, but it's not completely over, yet. By being aware of that, I take advantage of the last days with thought to the sea and swimwear. Black swimsuits are some of the most basic wardrobe pieces, like the little black dress, black pants and black heels. Classic piece that usually get it right. How it looks is of course depending on the model. Drawn swimsuit is modern, something between one- and two-pieces swimsuit. I hope that I will catch at least one warm day to jump into swimwear this year.



Obstajajo ljudje, ki vedno razmišljajo pozitivno in obstaja druga skupina, ki pogosto vse vidi negativno. Sama sebe žal precej pogosto najdem v tej drugi skupini. To ni dobro ne zame niti za ljudi okrog mene. Osebe z večinoma negativnim razmišljanjem, si predstavljajo težave tam, kjer jih ni ali pa si predstavljajo težave večje, kot so v resnici. Pogosto vidijo negativne razplete situacij.  Po poslušanju nekaj TEDx govorov sem prišla tudi do spoznanja, da je veliko težje spremeniti negativno mišljenje v pozitivnega kot obratno. Obstaja pa rešitev. Če vsak dan razmislimo ali še bolje zapišemo dogodke, ki so se nam zdeli dobri in smo hvaležni za njih, lahko spremenimo svoje mišljenje in postanemo bolj pozitivni. Razlika je samo v tem ali gledamo na svet skozi črna očala ali pa raje posežemo po roza. Želim ti lep dan in ne pozabi biti pozitiven, saj dobro privlači dobro.

// There are people who always think positive and there is another group of people, who often sees things negative. Unfortunately, I find myself quite often in the second group.  This is not good for me nor for people around me. People with mainly negative thinking, see problems anywhere and imagine problems bigger than they really are. They often see negative disentanglement of the situation.  After listening to a few TEDx Talks I realize it is much harder to change negative thinking into the positive than vice versa. But there is a solution. If we think about or even better to write down events every day, which we see as positive and we are grateful for them, we can change our thinking and become more positive. The difference is only in this whether  we are looking at the world through black glasses or pink one. Have a nice day and don't forget to be positive, because good attract good. 



Poletja še ni konec, zato bo na vrsti še kakšna poletno obarvana objava. Je pa res, da ne morem več zanikati, da se poletje bliža koncu, čeprav bi to zelo rada storila. Počasi prehajamo v hladnejšo polovico leta. Če bi se dalo, bi se v tem času preselila v toplejše kraje. Mogoče pa bom nekoč imela to možnost.
Jeseni pa se upiram tudi z risanjem deklet v kopalkah. Z njimi pride spomin na plažo, toplo sonce, šum morja in škržatov. Če bi bilo možno bi te občutke shranila v majhno stekleničko in vedno, ko bi pogrešala ta del leta, bi enostavno odprla stekleničko in prisluhnila. Najbrž bi se moja steklenička hitro spraznila.

The summer is not over yet, so that's why there are still going to be some summer posts on my blog. It is true, I can't deny anymore, the summer will be over soon, although I like to do this. We are getting slowly in the fresher half of the year. If I could, I would love to move to warmer places on Earth. Someday I might have opportunity to realize that wish.
I resist to autumn with drawing girls in swimming suits. With that kind of illustration I can get back the memories of the beach, warm sun, sound of sea and cicadas. If it is possible, i will collect this feelings into the bottle and always, when I will miss those times, I will simply open it and listen to them. My bottle would be probably empty soon.



Dolgo časa nisem nič objavila. Nekako nisem imela pravega obdobja za ustvarjanje. Včeraj pa sem ponovno prijela v roke svinčnik in razmišljala o tem, kaj naj narišem. Odločila sem se za nekaj drugačnega. Izbirala sem med orhidejo in vrtnico. Na koncu sem se odločila za cvet vrtnice, saj sem si jo lažje predstavljala v tehniki risanja s svinčnikom v primerjavi z nežnim cvetom orhideje. Za orhidejo imam nekako bolj v mislih nežno prelivanje vodenih barv. Senčenje mi je vzelo veliko časa, vendar mislim, da sta se trud in čas splačala. Opažam, da se zadnje čase več ukvarjam z rožami. V soboto sem si kupila in posadila v lončke različnih velikosti tri kaktuse. Lončki so pravzaprav pločevinke, ki so pobarvane z mat belo barvo. Zelo zelo so mi všeč. Preprosto in enostavno.

// Long time no see. Somehow I don't have creative period. I took pencil in my hand yesterday and started to think what should I draw. I decided to draw something different. I was deciding between orchid and rose. I opted for the rose bloom at the end, because I easier imagined this one draw with pencils than the tender bloom of orchid. Orchid looks better in watercolour techique. Shading took me a lot of time, but at the end I think that the time and effort have paid off. I am aware of my occupation with flowers last few days. I bought three cactuses Saturday. I planted them in three different sizes small pots. They are actually cans painted in matte white. I like them very very much. Easy and simple. 



Že za prejšnjo objavo sem narisala obleko Zuhaira Murada. Občutek sem imela, da to ni njegova prva in zadnja obleka, ki sem jo narisala. In res se je zgodilo. Narisala sem še eno. Obleka je preprostega kroja, pa vendar zelo posebna zaradi prepleta barv. Ko je koža rahlo porjavela od dotika sončnih žarkov pride še posebej do izraza. Vem, da pretirano izpostavljanje soncu ni preveč zdravo, vendar sem še vedno pristaš rahle obarvanosti. Zaradi temnejšega tena mi vse deluje lepše. Porjavelost me vedno spomni na najlepši del leta. Topli dnevi so za nami in pred nami pa tudi sonca ne manjka. Jaz sem zadovoljna!

// I already drew a dress by Zuhair Murad for the previous post. I had a feeling that this dress is not his first and last which I drew. And it really happened.  I drew one more. The dress is simple but at the same time very special because of the interwoven colours. When skin have a little tan from touch of the sun's rays the dress is express even more. I know that excessive exposure to the sun is not really healthy, but I am still adherent of slight suntan. Because of the darker skin all work more beautiful to me. Tanned skin always reminds me of the most beautiful part of the year. Warm days are behind and up to us and even the sun is not missing. I'm happy!



Že nekaj časa nazaj sem opazila mojstrovine Zuhaira Murada. Zgodila se je ljubezen na prvi pogled. Všeč so mi njegovi couture in poročni kosi kot tudi stvaritve za vsak dan. Danes pa me je pot ponovno zanesla na njegovo stran in odločila sem se, da narišem nekaj njegovega. Všeč so mi vse njegove stvaritve, zato je bila odločitev precej težka. Odločila sem se za dvodelni set v barvi fuksije. Všeč mi je preprostost in eleganca. Želim si, da bi si lahko lastila vsaj nekaj njegovega in bi hkrati imela priložnost nositi tako lepa oblačila.

// I noticed a masterpieces of Zuhair Murad a while ago. It was a love at first sight. I love his couture and bridal pieces as well as ready-to-wear garment. Today I came back to his web page and I decided to draw something from his collections. I love all his creations so the decision which one to choose was pretty difficult. I decided for his two-pieces set in fuchsia colour. I like the simplicity and elegance. I wish I could have at least one of his pieces and at the same time have the opportunity to wear such a beautiful garment. 



Resnica ni vedno tisto, kar se nam zdi na prvi pogled. Včasih je potreben odmik sam vase in premislek o vsem, kar se nam dogaja. In ko ugotovimo, da ni vse tako, kot se nam je ves čas delo, je potreben premik. Potrebno je nekaj spremeniti, da lahko zaživimo tako, kot je najbolje za nas in za vse okrog. Otresti se moramo svojih starih načinov delovanja in začeti delovati drugače. Za svoje življenje smo odgovorni sami.

// The truth is not always like it seems at first sight. Sometimes it is necessary to withdraw into ourselves and reflect about everything what happening to us. When we find out that is not everything as we have always thought, it is time to move. It is necessary to change something, that we can begin to live as it is the best for us and anyone/anything around us. We have to get rid of our old way of functioning and begin to act in different way. We have life in our own hands. 



Kombinacija bele in mornarsko modre me vedno spomni na poletje in morje. Najbrž marsikdo asociira to kombinacijo enako, saj sta to tipični barvi, ki ju nosijo mornarji.
Današnja objava je že 40. po vrsti in blog bo praznoval 6 mesecev. Od takrat se je spremenilo kar nekaj stvari. Predvsem se pozna, da imam nekoliko manj časa za risanje. Ne želim se siliti v risanje, zato to počnem kadar imam čas in voljo. Še vedno želim, da to ostane dejavnost, ki jo imam rada in ki me osrečuje. Sedaj pa je čas za pobeg na sonce in prvi letošnji skok v morje. Uživaj!

// The combiantion of white and navy blue always reminds me of summertime and the sea. Probably many people associate this combination the same, because these two are the typical colours weared by sailors.
Today's announcement is the 40th in a row and the blog will celebrate 6 months. Since then quite a lot of things has changed. Above all, the biggest change is that I have a little less time to draw. I don't want to force myself to draw, so I do it when I have time and will. I still wish that making illustrations stays an activity which I love and which makes me happy. But now is time to escape in the sun and the first season's jump into the sea. Enjoy!



Odprt hrbet na dolgi obleki mi je od nekdaj nekaj najlepšega. Pomembno je seveda tudi, kakšna ženska nosi takšno obleko. Zdi se mi, da so takšne obleke primerne za vitke ženske, ki so nekoliko višje. Zelo lepo se odprt hrbet poda tudi k obleki z dolgimi rokavi in puli ovratnikom. V vsakem primeru mora biti obleka dolga. Pri kratki obleki lahko hitro pride do preveč razgaljenosti, kar pa v večini situacij ni primerno. Narisana obleka je primerna za poročni dan, za nekoliko bolj moderne neveste.

// Open back with long dress seems to me something the most beautiful. It is important what type of woman wears such a dress. It seems to me, that open back dresses are the most suitable for slim women, who are a little taller. Open back is very pretty with long sleeves and turtle neck collar dresses. In any case, the dress should be long. With short dresses could easily lead to too much nudity, which is not appropriate in most situations. The drawn dress is suitable for the wedding day, for a bit more modern brides. 



Tokrat je na vrsti klasična kombinacija s pridihom sedanjosti. Bela in črna je nekaj najbolj enostavnega in hkrati pogosto izpade zelo dobro. Pridih sedanjosti na tej ilustraciji so zagotovo široke hlačnice in volančki. Ostro pa vendar romantično. Hkrati pa tudi športno in predvsem nosljivo.
Danes je prvi poletni dan. Škoda, da tega ni bilo možno občutiti na temperaturah. Z današnjim dnem se je tudi dan začel krajšati. Ampak, ker je pred nami še celo poletje, ne bom bila negativno nastrojena. Lep nedeljski večer ti želim!

// This time I show you a classic combination with touch of present time. White and black combination is something the most simple and at the same time often turns out well. On this illustration the touch of these days are flare trousers and frills. Edgy but still romantic. At the same time it is sporty look and above all, wearable.
Today is the first day of summer. Unfortunately, we can't feel this with high temperatures. Today is also the day, when days are getting shorter. However, since there is still a whole summer, I will not be resentful. I wish you a nice Sunday evening! 



Letošnje poletje me je prepričalo z dolgimi oblekami, krili do tal in kombinezoni. Tudi hlačna krila so mi všeč. Sproščeno, lahkotno, sveže in prav nič razgaljeno in prostaško. Hkrati primerno za ogromno priložnosti. Mislim, da smo vsi že nekoliko siti teh najstniških oprav, kjer je več razkrito kot pokrito. Z vsemi temi mislimi sem ustvarila ilustracijo, ki jo objavljam spodaj. Dolga obleka modre barve. Zakaj modra? Da ni vse črno ali belo. Predvsem pa zato, ker je modra barva poletja, barva neba in morja. Barva sprostitve. Žal pa je prišlo tudi do manj rednega objavljanja novih ilustracij na blogu, kot bi si želela. Čas mi teče prehitro in posledično ne uspem. Ko bom imela več časa, obljubim, da se popravim. Do takrat pa upam, da te ne moti nekaj nerednosti in vseeno prideš pogledati na vsake toliko časa.

// This year's summertime have persuaded me with maxi dresses, long skirts and overalls. I like the culotteses as well. Relaxed, easy, fresh and nothing naked and vulgar at all.  At the same time this style is appropriate for a lot of different occasions. I think, that we are all fed up with the teenager outfits, where there is more bare skin than covered. With all this feelings I made this illustration. Maxi dress in blue. Why blue? Not everything is black and white. Above all because blue is the colour of summer, sky and sea. A relaxing colour. Unfortunately my posts on my blog are more rare than I wish them to be. Time flies too fast at the moment and I consecutively have very little spare time at my disposal. When things  will normalize, I swear, I will post more often. Till then I hope, that you don't mind some irregularity and you come to visit my blog anyway.



Da ni vedno vse samo črno, belo in sivo, je tokrat nekaj roza. Za določene priložnosti so zagotovo lepe tudi druge barve, ne zgolj prej omenjene. Ob risanju te ilustracije, sem imela v mislih roza potonike. Potonike so ene izmed mojih najljubših rož, če ne najljubše. So nežne, dišeče, dekliške, hkrati pa tako velike in polne. Škoda je le, da vedno, ko so najbolj v cvetu pride nevihta z dežjem in vetrom, kar jih precej zdela. Tudi narisana punca ima v rokah šopek potonik. Z veseljem bi ga imela v rokah. Žal pa rezano cvetje hitro mine, zato je tudi potonike najbolje občudovati v zemlji.

// As it should't be everything always just black, white and grey, today there is something pink. For certain opportunities surely there are other beautiful colours that apply, not only the before mentioned. While I was drawing this one, I had peonies on my mind. Peonies are one of my favorite flowers, or even the favorite one. They are gentle, fragrant, girly, but at the same time big and abundant. It's such a pity that almost always when they are in bloom, there comes a thunderstorm with heavy rain and furious wind, which really tires them.  The illustrated girl has a bunch of peonies in her hands. I would love to have them in my hands, too. It is a pity that cut flowers are so quickly over, that's why it is better to admire them planted in the soil. 



Siva barva oblačil se mi sploh ne zdi slaba izbira. Je nekaj vmesnega med klasično črno in belo ter sploh ni samo za sive deževne dni. Morda ni tako elegantna kot prej omenjeni barvi, je pa vsekakor zelo enostavna in se lahko kombinira. Včasih sem imela občutek, da je ta barva primerna samo za trenerke in pižame, danes vem, da temu ni tako. Vsekakor pa je to odvisno tudi od materiala iz katerega je oblačilo narejeno. Ta enostavna siva obleka je primerna za tople poletne dni, ko želimo dati nase nekaj enostavnega in zračnega. Upam, da bo čim več takih dni.

// It doesn't seem a bad idea to me the choice of grey coloured clothes. Grey is something between classic black and white and it is not only for the grey rainy days. Maybe it's not so elegant as aformentioned colours, but anyway it is very simple and easy to combine. Once I thought that this colour is suitable only for tracksuites and pijamas, but today I know, that this is not exactly true. It also depends on the material, too. This simple grey dress is suitable for the warm summer days, when we want to wear something simple and airy. I hope that there will be a lot of such days.



Danes je zadnji dan mojega najljubšega meseca. Ob koncu maja vedno čutim neke vrste žalost. Res je, da prihaja pravo poletje, pa vendar se končujejo dnevi, ki so meni najljubši. Samo v tem času je narava tako polna življenja. Zjutraj se oglašajo ptiči, čez dan in proti večeru je v ušesih glasba murenčkov, ponoči pa nastopi poseben mir. Ne znam povedati, vendar sem v tem času resnično zaljubljena vanjo in hkrati čutim veliko hvaležnost, da lahko živim v tem čudovitem prostoru. Včasih je težko opisati svoje občutke, ampak, ker so resnični, upam, da se jih čuti skozi zapisane besede. Zadnje čase pa mi daje veliko za misliti tudi dejstvo, da čas beži z neomejeno hitrostjo. Dnevi, tedni in meseci gredo mimo, za njimi pa ostajajo zgolj spomini. Težko je živeti v trenutku, ker le-ta mine tako hitro. Ravno zaradi tega se mi zdi pomembno, da preživljamo kakovosten čas. Pri tem imam posebej v mislih prosti čas. Včasih ga rada preživljam v samoti, včasih pa v ožji družbi, v družbi, ki mi pomeni največ – moji družini in ob nekaterih drugih ljudeh, ki so mi zelo blizu. Proste dni rada izkoristim od zgodnjega jutra naprej. Zjutraj mi paše biti sama s sabo, s svojimi mislimi in občutki. V tem času tudi rada začutim naravo okoli sebe, jo občudujem, ji prisluhnem in zgolj uživam v danem trenutku. Čez dan navadno postanem bolj družabna, saj se rada več pogovarjam. Prosti dnevi mi vlijejo veliko energije in me nekako izpolnjujejo. Najlepše je živeti mirne dni. Želim si, da bi jih bilo veliko.

// Today is the last day of my favorite month. Every year at the end of May I feel some kind of sadness. It is true that the summer is starting, but at the same time that means the end of my favorite days. The nature is so vivid and full of life only at this time of the year. At morning there are birds singing, during the day and at the afternoon we can listen to the songs of crickets and at the night time special peace occurs. I can't describe with words, but I am really in love with nature during that time and I feel a great gratitude that I can live in this beautiful space. Sometimes it is not easy to describe our own feelings, but because they are real, I hope you can feel them through the written words. I'm thinking recently a lot about the fact, that the time is passing by with unlimited speed. Days, weeks and months are passing by really fast leaving behind only the memories. It is hard to live in the moment when it is over so fast. Because of that I find it important to live a quality time. I mean especially  the free time. I like to be with my own sometimes and sometimes with my narrower company, in company who means the most to me – my family and some other people with who I am really close to. I like to make good use of free days from the morning ahead. At mornings I like to be on my own, with my thoughts and feelings. At that time I like to feel the nature around me, admire it, listen to it and just enjoy the given moment. During the day I become more sociable and usually I like to talk with others. Free days give me a lot of energy and make me whole again. The most beautiful are free days. I wish, there will be a lot of them.



Poletje prinaša s sabo visoke temperature. Večina si nas takrat želi obleči v nekaj lahkotnega in enostavnega. Prav to predstavlja moja današnja ilustracija. Enostavnost v materialu, kroju in barvah. Poletje se mi zdi najbolj primeren letni čas za oblačenje v belo. Belo enostavno dolgo bluzo sem popestrila z enostavnimi sandali, ki se jih zaveže na sredini meč. Enostavno, pa kljub temu deluje ravno prav elegantno za vsakdanje opravke ali pa večerne izhode. Obožujem poletje!

// The coming summer brings higher and higher temperatures . A lot of us want to wear something light and simple during this time. And this is excately what today's illustration represents. Simplicity in material, cut and colours. It seems to me that the summer is the most appropriate time for wearing white. I variegated a simple long white blouse with simple black sandals which lace it up in the middle of the calves. Simple, but still enough elegant for the ordinary errands or evening way outs. I adore summer!



V današnjih časih smo ljudje pogosto zaposleni z različnimi obveznostmi. Nekaj si jih nakopljemo sami, nekaterim pa se težje izognemo. Navadno tiste, ki si jih izberemo sami, lažje opravimo, saj smo si jih najbrž zadali z nekim ciljem, da preko njih nekaj dosežemo. Z drugimi obveznostmi pa imamo včasih nekaj več težav. Kljub vsemu je pomembno, da si, ne glede na število opravkov, znamo vzeti tudi čas zase. Čas, v katerem lahko počnemo stvari, ki nas veselijo in čas, v katerem smo lahko sami s seboj, premislimo o sebi in se tudi sprostimo. Sama v ta čas vštevam druženje s prijatelji, tek, kolesarjenje, telovadbo, pogovore z bližnjimi, ustvarjanje, sprehode, hojo v hribe, branje dobre knjige in podobno. Zdi se mi pomembno, da se temu ne odrečemo kljub vsem opravkom, ki jih imamo. Včasih je težko in se nam ne da, ker se obdamo z oblačkom skrbi in razmišljanj,  ampak po tem, ko naredimo nekaj zase, se počutimo dobro, napolnjeni z novo energijo in ostale obveznosti opravimo lažje.

// Nowadays people are often busy with various obligations. Some of them we incur ourselves, some are harder to avoid. Usually, those which we chose alone, are easier to do, because we have probably set them ourselves with an aim to achieve something through them. With the other obligations we sometimes have more problems. Nevertheless, it is important that no matter how much things we have to do, we should also take time for ourselves. The time in which we can do things that gives us pleasure and time in which we can be with ourselves, think about ourselves and also relax. In that time I include associating with frends, running, cycling, working out, talks with loved ones, being creative, going on walk, hiking, reading good books and other things like that. It seems important to me, that we don't renounce all this, because of all preoccupations that we have. Sometimes it seems difficult to us and we are a little bit lazy, because we encircle us with a cloud of concerns and reflections, but once we do something for ourselves, we feel really good, filled with new energy and the other obligations are easily done.



Današnja objava je z ilustracijo, ki je primerna za nekoliko hladnejše dni. Prihaja nekaj deževnih dni z ohladitvijo, zato se mi je zdela dobra izbira. Res je tudi, da nisem imela časa, da bi narisala nekaj novega. Zadnje čase se mi dogaja veliko sprememb in novosti in v takšnem času pogosto upade tudi moja ustvarjalnost. Misli imam napolnjene z vsemi novimi informacijami in možnimi razpleti. Včasih je kar težko imeti situacijo pod kontrolo in biti ves čas dobro razpoložen, poleg pa še razvijati svojo ustvarjalnost. Vseeno pa verjamem, da ko se stvari ustalijo, se vrne tudi več pozitivnosti in seveda tudi ustvarjalnih misli. Do takrat pa boš lahko spremljal mešanico novih in starih ilustracij.

// Today's post is with an illustration, wich is more suitable for slightly colder days. From today on,  there are a few colder rainy days coming, so it seemed like a good choice. It is also true that I did not have enough time to draw something new. There are a lot of things taking place in my life, recently. During this time I have a decline in my creativity, too. My thoughts are full with all the new information and the possible outcomes. Sometimes it is hard to have the situation under control and to be in a good humour and in addition develop my creativity. However, I believe that when things will settle down, more positiveness will return  and of course more creative thoughts. Until then, you can watch the mix of old and new illustrations.



Enostavna kombinacija za kratke poletne noči …

// Simple style for short summer nights …



Kaj je lepšega, kot biti zunaj v naravi, stran od betona in toplega asfalta? Še posebej mi je všeč zunaj v naravi, ko postane toplo, tako kot je zadnje dni. Veš, da še ni pravo poletje, pa vendar  ga že čutiš. Dnevi so dolgi, večeri pa primerno topli za aktivnosti na prostem, kot so tek, kolesarjenje, igre z žogo ipd. Ker že govorim o naravi, pa naj bo temu primerna tudi današnja risba, v znamenju zelene namreč. Uživaj v toplih dneh in dolgih večerih!

// Is there anything more beautiful , than being outside in the nature, far away from concrete and asphalt? I especially love to be outside in the nature, when it becomes warm, like these days. You know that the true summer is still coming, but it already feels like it. Days are long and the evening warm enough for outdoor activities, such as jogging, cycling, games with a ball, etc. And because I am already talking about the nature, also today's illustration should be in that spirit, green marked. Enjoy the warm days and the long evenings!



Ponovno nekaj čisto črnega. Ilustracija s kratkim topom in oprijetim krilom z razporkom. Kombinacija je precej poletna, vendar bolj primerna za večerne izhode ali posebne priložnosti. Všeč mi je, ker ni zgolj mala črna oblekica, ampak ima nekaj več. Prav tako pa se mi zdi kratek top še najbolj posrečen v kombinaciji z visokim pasom krila ali hlač. Vsekakor se mi zdi kombinacija, ki bi jo bilo vredno preizkusiti.

// And again something quite black. An illustration with a crop top and close-fitting skirt with slit. The combination is quite suitable for summer, but even more for evening outs or some special occasions. I like it because it is not only a little black dress, but it has something more. It also seems to me, that the crop top is most felicitous in combination with high waisted skirt or trousers. In any case, it seems to me, that this combination is something which would be worth trying.


#27 LIPS

Ustnice so zelo pomemben del telesa oziroma obraza. Preko njih izdajamo več kot bi hoteli. Rahel trzljaj ustnic lahko pomeni laž, droben posmeh, nejevero, strah … S pomočjo ustnic oblikujemo glasove, preko njih besede. Z ustnicami pletemo mrežo poljubov po drugi osebi. Z njihovo pomočjo oblikujemo krepke poljube ali pa povsem nežne in lahke kot sapica vetra. Z intenziteto zopet prenašamo neko sporočilo. Ustnice lahko naličimo, da še poudarimo njihovo moč. Ustnice so tako različne, kot smo različni ljudje. Niti dve osebi nimata enakih. Tudi risanje čim bolj realističnih ustnic ni preprosto opravilo. Vanje lahko vložiš veliko časa in truda. Pa vendar, ko jih pogledaš, ko misliš, da si že končal, bi jih lahko še popravljal v neskončnost.  

// Lips are an important part of the head and face. With them we show more than we want. Slight twitch of the lips can mean a lie, tiny derision, disbelieve, fear … With lips we are creating phonemes and with them words. With lips we are knitting a net of kisses on the other person. With the help of them we are creating vigorous kisses or entirely tender and soft kisses like breeze. With changing the intensity we are transmitting different messages. We can embellish them with a make up, to stress their power. Lips are as different as we are. Not even two people have the same lips.  To draw some realistic lips is not an easy task. You can put in a lot of time and effort. But yet, after a final gaze, when you think that you have finished it, you can still improve it to infinity. 



Na vrsti je maj, zagotovo moj najljubši mesec. Drevesa so ozelenela, nekatera tudi še cvetijo.  Temperature se počasi višajo in vse skupaj sporoča, da je poletje že čisto blizu. Za to vmesno obdobje se mi zdijo zelo primerna krila srednje dolžine, takšno kot je na ilustraciji. Krilo je oprijeto, vendar dovolj raztegljivo, da je udobno. Kombinirano je z lahkotno belo bluzo, ki ima prosojen dodatek. Vse je zelo preprosto in enostavno a vseeno deluje urejeno in lepo povezano. Želim ti čim lepši zaključek nedelje!

// It is the time for May, surely my favorite month. The trees are all green, but some of them are still blossomning. Temperatures are getting slowly higher and everything is telling us a message that summer is really close. For this intermediary time I find it suitably to wear a midi-skirt, just like the one in the illustration. The skirt is tight, but enough stretchable that is comfy. It is a combination with a light white blouse with a transparent addition. Everything is very plain and simple but still looks settled and nicely linked. I hope you have a nice Sunday evening!



Opravljaj vse to in še več. Razmišljaj izven danih okvirjev, poglobi se v tok misli, pluj z njimi. Igraj se z življenjem, zavedaj se, da ga vodiš sam. Sanjaj o stvareh, ki si jih želiš, saj si s sanjami že korak bližje. Čuti sebe, čuti okolico, bodi v ravnovesju. Ljubi vse kar te obdaja, saj se ti bo ljubezen vračala. Živi svoje življenje in si upaj. Sprejmi sebe in druge, takšne kot so.

// Do all this and even more. Think outside the box,get lost in your flow, go with it. Play with life, be conscious that it is in your hands. Dream about things you wish, because with dreams you are already one step closer. Feel yourself, feel the surroundings, be balanced. Love everything around you, because love will return. Live your life and dare. Accept yourself and others just the way they are. 



Ali hlače na zvonec. Približno 10 let nazaj so bile takšne hlače nekaj povsem normalnega. Nosile smo jih zagotovo skoraj vse predstavnice ženskega spola. Prav tako so se v modi pojavile že kar nekajkrat pred tem. Potem je vmes prišlo obdobje, ko si nismo mogli niti predstavljati, da bi nosili takšen kroj hlač. Vse hlače so postale oprijete vse od pasu do gležnjev. Zdaj pa se že od leta 2012 počasi poskušajo prikrasti nazaj v naše omare. Pri tem tipu hlač je pomembno kakšen material, kroj in barvo izberemo glede na našo postavo. Menim, da imamo skoraj vse predstavnice nežnejšega spola pred sabo cilj, da bi izgledale lepo, vitko, z dolgimi nogami. Takšen kroj hlač nam lahko pomaga ali pa tudi ne. Narisane hlače so iz lahkega, živahnega blaga. Na topu pa so volančki, ki mi zadnje čase postajajo vse bolj všeč. Takšne bi lahko bile kopalke, zgornji del poročne obleke ali pa samo takšen kos, kot je narisana bluza. Barvna kombinacija je sveža, pomladna in čista. In da bi vsega skupaj preveč so na nogah narisane superge, kot so na primer Adidas Superstar, povsem klasičen model, ki se prav tako vrača. Moda je pravzaprav samo recikliranje že vsega videnega v nekaj navidezno novega. Ponavlja pa se na toliko časa, da večino starega že damo stran, kar pomeni, da moramo ponovno kupiti novo.

In če se že spominjamo časov izpred nekaj let naj omenim še to, da smo včeraj imeli obletnico zaključka osnovne šole. Zanimivo je bilo videti vse stare obraze s katerimi smo se videvali 8 oziroma vsaj 4 leta. Vmes se je spremenilo ogromno, a hkrati tako malo. Nostalgija …

// Nearly 10 years ago this kind of trousers were something completely normal. Almost all representatives of female sex wore it. The trousers also appeared in fashion a few times before that.  After that there was a time when we couldn't even imagine to wear that kind of trousers. All trousers were skinny, tight from top to the bottom. Since 2012 flare trousers have tried to come back in our wardrobes. In this type of trousers it is important what kind of material, cut and colour we choose in relate to our figure. In my opinion almost all women have an aim to look pretty, slim and with long legs. That shape of trousers can help us or maybe not. Trousers on illustration are from a light, vivid cloth. On the top there are ruffles, which I like more and more. In similar style can also be a swimsuit, top of  the wedding dress or just that piece as it is drawn blouse. Colour combination is fresh, springly and pure. And not to be to much of everything I draw sneakers, as it is Adidas Superstar, classic model, which are coming back, too. Actually fashion is just a recycle of all already seen pieces in something apparently new. It repeats in so big intervals that we gave away almost all old pieces, which means that we should buy all new.

In remembering the old days I would like to say, that yesterday we had an anniversary of the primary shool. It was interesting to see all the old faces with which we were together for 8 or at least 4 years. In between this time things changed a lot, but at the same time so little. Nostalgia …



Trenutno se nahajam v življenjski situaciji, v kateri se mi dogaja veliko sprememb. To obdobje traja že približno pol leta. Ob spremembah vedno poskušam razmišljati pozitivno, torej, da s sabo prinašajo nekaj dobrega. Vseeno pa me spremembe vedno znova ogrnejo v plašč negotovosti, nostalgičnosti, strahu pred izgubljanjem starega in udobnega. V takšnih obdobjih je lepo imeti ob sebi ljudi, ki te razumejo, ki vedo, zakaj si včasih malo bolj razdražljiv ali odsoten. In verjamem, da so spremembe nekaj nujnega in vedno pozitivnega, pa čeprav se včasih zgodi, da na prvi pogled niso nič od tega. Lep in miren večer ti želim!

// Currently in my life, there are taking place a lot of changes. This period already lasts approximate half a year. I always try to think positively, when changes are happening, so they bring something good in our life.  Nevertheless changes awaken feelings of unsecurity, nostalgia, fear of losing the old and cosy lifestyle. During this kind of period it is nice to have people around us, who understand us and know why we are more irritable or lost in thoughts, sometimes. And I also believe, that changes are something urgent and always something positive, in spite of the appearance at first sight. Have a nice and peaceful evening!